Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have had a lovely day I woke at 6.50am
(I did wake at 4.30am but that was some noisy neibours coming home from some leary night out)
got up did my ironing, went up to the shops we got more plants, came back finished off our new vegetable patch the ground is so hard and full of clay its takes a lot of breaking up.

(its coming on isn't it look at the bloom on the apple tree)

Everything is growing wonderfully we have even given tomatoe plants away, we have far too many, its the same with all the apples when they come we have just got to give them to family and neibours.

My next door neibour came to see us with gifts he gave us each a fleece jacket, we do each other favours, also my partner blew some eggs up but I said I wasn't going to talk about that.

I am totaly exhausted and not looking forward to going to work at all I need a holiday

So on that note I will leave this day and look forward (not) to the week ahead.

I do like something to smile about everyday and todays was the eggs blowing up but I did say I wasn't going to talk about that.