Sunday, September 23, 2007

So busy sunday

As this time going to Gambia is a charity event, Bob, asked me to do a painting to auction, so I did one, this is a pic, Titled, "The creek at dawn", the creek next to hotel we stayed at in March.
So I did that and fixed the settee and one of the armchairs which were bust.
Other than that, all is fine the world is good, as far as we are concerned.
I wonder how much it will fetch at auction?????
What would you pay?(its for charity).

Sunday, September 16, 2007

no I am not dead not yet anyway

The computer died a death, it got some bastard worm and had to be formatted, so we lost all the favorites and all the junk, good job really but saved all the pictures
anyway enough of the small stuff .

the new Job is great

We are going back to Gambia in November,

but this time a small twist four guys are driving there, they wanted me to go with them, but I havn't enough time off work to complete the journey and I don't think I could bare to be away from "D" for that long.

Read here for all the stuff about it.

So I am just about getting into doing all this again, it's a bit like starting from scratch.

here is a picture of one of the vehicles that is driving there, we made the roof rack at work.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


spoke too soon

and a colleague gives me some advise

we have finaly seen the sun

Too bloody late for all the folks who got flooded, but if you live in a greenhouse don't throw stones and if you live on a flood plane or next to a rver you are going to get wet.
I thought solicitors or someone checked out stuff like this when you moved to a new house or don't they care.
Anyway suns shining today and yesterday, so it was good to catch up on some outside chores.
so the birds get put outside
the flowers have stood up to the rain
I washed the car and trimmed the hedge's
it looks like summer at last
"D" tidy's up
the passion flowers look good.
and now I cooking dinner and having a beer.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

new Job

Now I don't want to gloat or anything but this new job I have got is bloody great.
Because the arrogant twats who I used to work for DIDN'T REPLACE ME, (they must have thought I did nowt) they are now having a pretty hard time of it, it does seem what goes around comes around, anyway I wish them all the best and hope they rot in hell for giving me the hardest 51/2 years of my life.
I now work for people who actually appreiciate what I do and I am totaly stress free.
I am doing the same kind of work for the same kind of pay and actually to most of the same customers, so nothing has changed much apart from not working for arseholes.
We have been busy the last couple of weeks and its nice to go out and visit places nearby, so we went to Dudley Zoo and the week after visited the Black country museum.
Here are a few Pic's

God their big

They must have heard "D" was coming
(she can't help it if she can't cook)

Dudley Castle

It must have been very imposing in medievil times

And finaly a Trolly Bus this is is one of the first things you see when you go into the museum and I said We used to have those in Bradford when I was a boy, very eco freindly run on electric power from the cables above and that bus was originaly used in Bradford I may have even rode on it.
If you enlarge the picture you will see Bradfords coat of arms on the side and Bradford above it.
I am totaly chilled out now and no longer have that awful feeling of fear and dread of going into work on a Monday morning on a Sunday, life is good.

Friday, June 01, 2007

and it rained

bloody downpour and you know it's June.
What is it they call it "flaming June"

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

its over

I was trying my best to finish my months notice and work as normal right up to the end of it.
but this morning I was doing my job as normal, we were behind with work as normal, and I got a message to ring the boss, well he proceded to give me a load of earache I mean I couldn't even finish a sentence to speak back to him.
(message to all bosses at this point, if someone is leaving your employ and has 2 days to go don't talk to him/her like a piece of shit and expect them to carry on as normal)
I hung up on him saying f**K this, he rang again, I took the sim card out of the phone, handed the works keys and sim card to a co-worker saying I won't need these anymore, then left to have an extended weekend break.
I stole this from my beloved's website and this is what I did all the way home, "laugh"

Sunday, May 27, 2007

well I did it

After months, possibly years of dithering, I did it.

On the first of May I handed in my months notice to quit at work, I didn't have a job to go to, nor was I bothered, I can put my hand to most things and I always have the good old fall back of being able to drive Large trucks, so there is always a shortage of drivers and I wouldn't be out of work for long.

Nothing was said at work and they told me it wasn't totally unexpected, so that was that.

On the 2nd May I got home and started looking for work I phoned up a company that did similar work to what I was used to. they said they had nothing but took my details anyway.

The day after I received a call from a Directer of the company saying he would like to meet me, a meeting was arranged and I called round to see them. After about an hours discussion they said there was no job, but would discuss it among themselves and let me know.

Another meeting was arranged and I had to go see the owner, more discussion and money was talked about.

two days later they offered me a job not wanting to let a man with my ability and experience pass them by.

I start 4th June it is a smaller company and I think I could get on well there.

I have had far too much of arrogance and stress from my current employers to want to put up with it any longer, certainly not another 9 years till I retire.

I think just getting married and my Mum dieing after a fabulous holiday put everything into perspective for me.

Whilst its pissing down with rain at the end of May in the UK and on a Bank Holiday weekend, here is a pic of me in March enjoying the sun in sunny Gambia.

This is what its like now, the foxgloves look nice though next to the small shed.

Later Dudes.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

more pics

The Deed is done

"D" was like a magnet to children wherever we went

this boy wanted his pic took so bad

I never want to see fish again

and you can't get a fresher coconut than this one straight from the tree

a big termite mound

Daniel Craig eat your heart out I will be the next James Bond

me jammin with the boys

Saturday, March 31, 2007

A few more pics

A view at 35,000feet

An old relative

The creek going out to the sea by our beach

I had to pay this man £2 for this pic, I think I should change jobs to the
Fishing Village making boats

our terrace just outside our room

Dr Livingstone I presume?

he says, its ok just grab its tail,, then turns to talk to somebody????????

My Mum

Betty Aubrey 18th August 1920-------24th March 2007 RIP

Betty was born in Handsworth Sheffield and spent her childhood there with her father Herbert and mother Emma and older brother Clifford, at the outbreak of the 2nd world war she joined the Land Army, then later the A.T.S. and drove ambulances and staff cars.

At the end of the war she met my Father Wilf, He had been shot and wounded near Amien France before Dunkirk and spent the rest of the war as a POW.

They were married in 1947. our family had 4 children, Bob, me Steve, Pat and Betty.

We lived in Bradford My mother worked at the local Post office and later at the inland revenue untill she retired at the age of 60.

My father died in 1973 from cancer aged 55.

We had a happy childhood and were always clean, well fed and clothed, these traits have stayed with me all my life.

Mum had a good sense of justice and a very good humour and was always up for a laugh.

It was only in later months that my Mum suffering from dementia, omited to give me a clip round the back of the head saying you will have done something to deserve it.

Knowing now that I will never see her again fills my life with a void that seems unfillable.

I will always love you Mum

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A few pics

somebody pass the matches

these kids are adoreable

we loved walking the beach in the morning

ok there pilgrim let go of the reins

I will do some more over the weekend

Monday, March 26, 2007

good news bad news

Well I don't know what bit to do first,
OK the good news
We had a great holiday the weather was great and the place was fantastic.
In time I will show the pics Gambia is a wonderful smiling country with a lot of poverty, but everyone is helpful and lets face it they are out to make a buck out of you if they can.
I did go to Senegal but that was 40 years ago and it has now changed so much I would not remember.
So this post I will be quick.
We had a really good holiday.
We got married.
My Mum died 15 minutes before we landed at Manchester Airport.
So for the minute this is as I said,,,,, is quick.

we got married

these coconuts were above our door

There will be much more later, but for the minute I am busy, with my own thoughts.

Take a look at our family when my Mum was young that is how I like to think of her, the small children beneath the adults are me and my brother and sisters,I am on the right.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

It's just like a bloody pet shop

They never shut up

Our camera battery died a death so the last video I did was on the mobile phone which really is OK but not sharp enough, so having got a new battery and we needed it as we are going to Africa soon here is a new vid.

The battery came from Hong Kong and came quicker than post does from Bradford to Birmingham, good old Royal mail eh.

Winding down a lot now looking forward to 2 weeks in the sun.

I finally sold my old car, so that is the end of an era for me.

I have done over 100,000 miles in it and has really served me well.

This time next week I will be in the air so look out for the pics when I get back.

We are taking the Laptop so it may just be possible to post some while we are there, we will see.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


We are now inundated with budgies, they are nice but not enough meat on one to feed a grown man.

however they are noisey little gets.

We did have three of the little buggers but "D" thought they should be in pairs so we went off yesterday to get another.

From left to right

Puff, Poo, Pete, Pea.

Pete is the new one and has fit in real well.

he's big isn't he.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

old limpy is back

I can't stop limping,

I try but it won't go away, I could be limping forever,that bloody sciatica has left me with a limp.
Anyway that's only a small thing (no that's not what "D" says)at least I am not in pain and have been back to work a few weeks now.

I have been very tired and it has knocked me back a bit

Only 3 weeks now and we will be on holiday in Africa we did have all the Jabs yes all of them including , yellow fever, tetanus, polio,, diphtheria, cholera, typhoid,hepatitis A, and apart from having the shits for a couple of days I have been fine. "D" was much worse and seemed to have taken all the illness's all at once but she will be fine,I suspect packing will be done 1/2 an hour before we leave for the airport.

One bad thing happened at work when one of the workers got injured the other day "me" being a first aider was the first to deal with him, the poor chap got hit by some steel on his hand, I have never seen an injury like it, on the back of his hand it took the whole of his skin from the wrist right down to the knuckles completely away down to the bone tendons and muscle's.

I bandaged him up and an ambulance rushed him straight off to hospital he underwent a 3 and half hour operation soon after with skin grafts, to his hand I personally don't think he will come back to work here.

It was without doubt the worst injury I have ever had to patch up.

Today we went to our local shops we were finished and just about to set off in the car and heard this huge bang ,,,,,, A bus had pulled out and hit a passing car ,,,,,,, picture shows bus driver and disgruntled car driver and passenger arguing over details,
West Midland transport is sure fun
The silver car they are stood by is the one that got hit and knackered all his near side up

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I am back at work now, I don't like it I want to stop but I can't yet.

So enough of that.

Tomorrow we are going for the injections we need to visit Africa, as if I have enough pains in the arse.

Anyway on a brighter note, at Christmas I got "D" a Budgie and being like she is wanting to mother it (this is the most spoiled budgie on the planet)She decided it was lonely so we went to the pet shop for a bigger cage and came home with a further two Budgies.

We now live in tweet tweet land except one of them barks like a dog I will catch it one day on vidio but as soon as the camera goes near it it goes deathly quiet.

here they are Puff Pea and Poo
I swear we get dafter as we get older
from right to left Puff, Poo and Pea
Pea is the one who barks like a dog

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Upstairs for thinking

Downstairs for dancing,
I don't know if any of you have heard on the new s about Big Brother or been sad enough like me to watch it.
It has however been entertaining and takes us back to our primitive (Or were they ) ancestors.
A bit like watching the spectacles in the ring, seeing who would die first.
How much would it have cost Jade to have been pleasant, nice, helpful, to everyone lets face it, it is the public who have put her in the place she is now with millions of pounds to her disposal and lucrative contracts, she "was" set up for life so they say.
But to have witnessed what has happened and seen her co-so called celebrity's behave in the way they have sickened me to the stomach, but funny watching them fall from grace.
We have to watch now just to see how the public treats her co-bully's yes that is what they are when they eventually slink out of the place.
Already on the news it is said that Danielle has been dumped by her boyfriend because of her behaviour towards Shilpa, he being a footballer of some repute with at least a third of his team being non white.
Also what can be said of Jo, nothing really, both her and Danielle being swept along quite happily with the bullying and mobbing because that is what it was, to the pain and hurt of another individual.
To call the three of them trailer park trash is an insult to every person living in a trailer.
I hope they, all three of them get their just rewards.
I for one will be watching with interest to see them get it.
On a happier note we went out today to get some Groceries the sun was out and as we past Frankly Beeches I stopped and took this pic.

A beautifull view from there across to Birmingham in the far distance.

Friday, January 19, 2007

well I gave it a try

So I went to work Monday, I hobbled around for a bit lasted till 2.00pm and went home knackered.

I went in the day after did the same went home at 3.00pm I was more knackered.

Wednesday, more of the same except they expected more out of me left at 4.00pm and then I was exhausted.

Thursday,,,,, went in lasted till 9.00am I was in excruciating agony, I have tried to do too much too quick, it is my own fault but very difficult to judge just how far I might have to walk,(the place is massive).

so now Friday I have had to take the day off, they have referred me to an occupational therapist to see if that helps I hope it does.

I hate being ill.

So although today I have been quite active there is only so far I can walk whilst at home.

I thought we would spoil our Budgie so we have given him a tree to play on.

It was "D's" idea so I went out back and took a branch off the apple tree, I think he likes it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

almost normal

The last time I was at work was the 8th of December, I had a week off to start with chest pains and high blood pressure, caused by stress at work.

There was one time I would have grinned and bore it but now I can see the signs all too quickly, I am not going in that direction again I am going back next week, but if I come home feeling like I did again I am "not" going back.

Then there was Christmas, ohhhh the bloody joy of it,Flu right the way through it.
Two days before the 1st January I got sciatica, I am not done with it yet but I feel I am on the mend.

So what to do next, well we have our holiday booked and on the 9th March we are going to the Gambia for 2 weeks.

The last time I was anywhere near there was in 1967 when I visited Senegal whilst in the Merchant Navy, I was just a boy of 16.

Like most people we are having strange weather still its definitely not January and although a wind outside its still quite warm
and the sun is just trying to come out.

I feel quite optimistic about this year I am just going to see what it brings, lets face it, can it get any worse.

It could, but I know one thing, I would rather be alive and out of work than dead, or seriously ill because of it.

So for the time being I will sit in my study looking at the view, which on a good day I can see right over Birmingham.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

global warming

I have been looking through the archives of last year because I remember the daffodils coming up early.

Well this is now a whole week earlier and they are up again, does this mean that they will have no idea when to grow or could we have them all year round, I don't know but it is only the 7th January when I was little there would have been snow and to be quite honest I can remember the last time it snowed bad and that was in 1977 the kind of snow what brings all traffic to a halt.

When in the UK did you last see someone go sledging? when was the last time you saw a lake freeze over? freeze so thick you could walk on it.

I am sat here now in my study with only a tee shirt on(yes I do have jeans on as well) and no heating, its 10 degrees outside and 16 degrees in the house that's 60 degrees *f .

The seasons are just like becoming one with very little difference, it seems wetter for longer and if they are projecting 2007 to be warmer in the summer it is going to be very hot.

If the sea levels rise, low lying places close to the coast are going to flood and they will not hold it back, London could be under water, that of course will have a knock on effect places like where we live now which are well above sea level will become "the" place to live.

It would be funny to look back to all the money grabbing property developers who have land which is under water and totally useless. They won't be singing "oh I do like to be beside the seaside"

The damage is done by the look of it we can't stop it.

I will just go and put my winter coat away.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I am still at home

I seem to have acquired sciatica and spent the last 7 days dragging my lifeless right leg around with me, trying to pull out the invisible daggers of pain that are inflicting themselves into my hip.
It hurts? yes it bloody well does and the smallest of tasks need such an enormous amount of effort.
I went to the Doctor who by now, is sick of the sight of me I expect, we discussed my other problems,then went on to the leg,I winced with the agony of taking my shoe off and getting on the couch so could examine me and could only raise my leg a few inches from the horizontal.
yes he says you have sciatica, it could take a few weeks to get better.
I got a sick note for a week, I said If were a horse they would have shot me by now, he replied
yes, we probably would have.
Go back home and do only light exercise,
"well I am not likely to running any marathons am I"

Do the pain killers you are taking do any good he asks? no I replied, OK I will give you some stronger ones, now these ones would knock out a horse but no, having took them for 2 days and then reading the label that they are addictive and the fact that I was still in as much pain with as without them they are still in the packet.

Yesterday I needed to go to the shop dragging the leg with me I hobbled around trying to keep myself vertical by hanging on to the baskets full of stuff they put in the middle of the isles, I realised where all the pensioners go at 2.00pm and boy do they get in the way, not having the agility to avoid the trolleys and baskets they drag with them I nearly fell over twice.
I got my stuff and dragged my weary arse back to car and went home, "thinks" no I am not fit for work.
I tried to convince"D" that the doctor had said the only way to relieve the pain was
that she had to lay with her naked body on top of me,,,,"The doctor said it",,,, I said as convincingly as possible,,,, well that didn't work either, so I am still in pain.

"Being ill is boring and crap"