Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I am back at work now, I don't like it I want to stop but I can't yet.

So enough of that.

Tomorrow we are going for the injections we need to visit Africa, as if I have enough pains in the arse.

Anyway on a brighter note, at Christmas I got "D" a Budgie and being like she is wanting to mother it (this is the most spoiled budgie on the planet)She decided it was lonely so we went to the pet shop for a bigger cage and came home with a further two Budgies.

We now live in tweet tweet land except one of them barks like a dog I will catch it one day on vidio but as soon as the camera goes near it it goes deathly quiet.

here they are Puff Pea and Poo
I swear we get dafter as we get older
from right to left Puff, Poo and Pea
Pea is the one who barks like a dog