Sunday, September 03, 2006

My apologies for absence (part 2)

Once more I have been absent, but not without good reason,

1, I have been knackered doing 11 plus hour days at work getting the jobs out. All the work is nearly done all the work is nearly done on the extention and fitting of the new equipment and in a few days we will be live doing shotblasting and painting.

2. I needed the money.

3.Finaly after years of procrasternation, I have proposed to "D" here is the ring(what a relief she said yes) we are to be married next year, after almost 7 years together, the first 2 I spent traveling between Yorkshire and Birmingham, clocking up about 30,000 miles in travel.

We went out, on the Sunday night I proposed, to one of our favorite chinese restaurants.
I bought Champagne(a full bottle) that was a first.Champagne is strong we were both hung over.

4. I have been Knackered.

so without further ado I am trying to get back into some sort of normality.

It has been a wet month in August but now into September it looks like it might be better for a bit, everything is going nice on the garden front, the caterpillars love our plants but some have pulled through.

By the way Mars is about as close as it can get to us at the moment this is what it looks like,
I am not impressed I wanted bigger, its just a red dot in the sky?

Today we went to the the Kings Heath garden show is was good I got these the mother of all garden croppers

yes I know I am odd but it all adds to the flavour

here are some pics of the wind swept and sodden garden

free sunflowers plated by the birds or squirrels

tomatoes by "D"


Chilli anyone we have never grown these

we still have a passion

look at the size of those apples

clematis hanging on

and finaly I see this Heron most mornings I think he must stand 3 feet tall