Sunday, December 31, 2006
happy new year
Posted by
12:02:00 PM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
hello everyone
I went to see the Doc
he gave me the week off to rest and now I am on Beta Blockers I don't expect I will be back before the new year.
"D" has got me a DVD WRITER but it isn't here yet but should be by the weekend. we will be going out tonight for a meal and I have just been chillin all day.
Happy Birthday to me,,,,,,, Lol
Posted by
3:58:00 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Christmas is soon on us and "D" say's come on Steve this Saturday we are going into town.
Now I have never,, I mean never,, done any xmas shopping before the 12th of December.
There is good reason for this as the 12th is my Birthday and it is only after that I consider it Christmas.
So I was tricked, bring some money I was told.
So off to the train station at Selly Oak. to find the whole of the platform full of folks anyway not phased we waited for it and to our suprise it turned up and thankfully was at least a 100 yards long and everyone got a seat.
There is only 2 stops and we are at New Street Station so 10 minutes later we were in a sea of heads, now I am closteraphobic, I hate being in crowds and for me to venture into this lot is a big thing, but I agreed with "D" it had to be done.
So off we went into the shops and into the Bull ring, out of the Bull ring, back into the Bull ring, Had a Burger King for lunch (highlight of day).
More shopping and soon it was time to leave, my fingers were wheighed down with plastic bags and they were cutting into my fingers and all feeling had gone.
We must have some Gluwien at the German market "D" said, (we have one every year here in Bimingham) we truged up New St and got to the top where the food stalls are next to the
Floozie in the Jacuzzi is.
It was bloody packed so we queued for our Gluwien(hot wine with spices in a mug) I heard one bloke saying obviousley a fellow Yorkshireman bloody hell you can buy 12 cans of Stella for the price of that( made me chuckle a bit we don't change do we).
A great place to be Birmingham at Xmas time but for me too full, however a first for me to get any presents before the 12th, I repeat the 12th oh did I tell you it's my birthday on the 12th.
Posted by
6:50:00 PM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Today it is "D"s Birthday and she is 37 again so next year she will be 20 years younger than me, I still can't work out how she does that.
But first I will make her bacon and mushroom sandwich her favorite.
Then a quick Trip to Dunelm to buy a new duvet, and then off to Matalan in Odbury
Anyway today is special so we will go to a Toby Inn carvery in Quinten and have lunch, no cooking for me today.
Looking at the calender I have only 4 more weeks to work before I break up for Christmas then I have a full 15 days off work to chill out I will be doing some painting I think.
Posted by
7:58:00 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
After what seems like the longest time I get to sit down here again and do this.
I have been busy.
Since my last blog,
I have been up to Yorkshire TWICE
Once to see my kids and the other to drive the big truck full of all (D's) oldest sons belongings from his home in south Yorkshire and move him back to Birmingham.
That was a journey I will never forget , we all live life the way we want to, however he is a hourder and believe me, nothing was ever thrown away, so his life went into this bloody massive truck and I helped to fill it and empty it, and drove it all the way up and back, I did suggest a skip but he wasn't impressed.
I started at 8.00 in the morning and got home at 10.00 at night I was exhausted.
It was the longest day of my life and I will never voulenteer to do anything like it again "ever".
My oldest daughter is 30 on Tuesday.
I am getting to feel a bit old but not much.
Work's been much the same of the daily grind as it is always.
But everything is well.
I had to go back to the Hospital to see the Consultant about my heart thingy and he has discharged me so once again all is well there, all the results came out fine.
I have a wish list
someone buy my old car
someone buy my old car
someone buy my old car

its cheap,,,with a full years mot test and taxed for 6 months.
It will bring you luck and you may win the lottery one carefull owner (the rest were crap)
Posted by
5:14:00 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
a ride in the car
and this is what we did.
The idea is to get to the top of a very big hill put the car in forth gear and roll off the top with out touching the pedals this is what happens
Posted by
7:30:00 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Four things about me
Things you may not have known about me..... Ok Justin I will give it a go.
Four jobs I have had in my life:(but not in any order) driver
2.heavy goods vehicle driver saleman
4.driving instructor
(there are lots more)
I also used to be a Justice of the Peace in Bradford.
Four Movies I would watch over and over.
1. Open Range
2. Wyatt Earp (or any of the other versions I have them all)
3. Band of Brothers all 13 hours
4. Payback(Mel Gibson)
Four Places I have lived
1. Bradford
2. Brighouse
3. Birmingham
4. (who knows we may move)
Four TV shows I love to watch
1. The news,,,, any channel
2. Have I got News For You,,(funniest Programme on TV)
3. Ray Mears on the discovery Channel(He is great and could start a fire with snow)
4. Rouge Traders
Four places I've been to
1. Austrailia
2. Japan
3. Canada
4. Greece
(also Africa both coasts Malaya, China, and Russia, France ,Spain, Belgium, Canarys,)
Four Web sites I visit regularly
1. Google
2. Googlemail
3. all my links
4. Brummie Blogs(I have to put this on pain of death)
Four favourite foods
1. Roast beef and Yorkshire Puddings
2. My Home Made Curry
3. Take Aways(yes!!!!)
4. Apple Pie and custard
Four Places I'd rather be right now
1.where I am now is just where I want to be for a very long time ,2.3.4.
Four friends (this is the hardest for me)
1. "D"
2. My Mum(I just wish she didn't have Alzheimers)
3.(I have many aquaintances but very few true freinds)
4.If you have money to throw away you can be my friend!!!lol
It did make me think a bit,, but was fun to do.
Posted by
4:28:00 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
and oh yes
I finaly got round to buying a new,,,, (new to me but 6 years old) car.
I love it.
It goes like like shit off a shovel,,,, 2 ltr deisel engine, turbo charged, all mod cons, and really comfortable.
I like it.
like this one
If anyone wants an old Cavalier with 161,000 miles on the clock see me,
Posted by
6:53:00 PM
were back
We have been home a week and a half now and a lot of things have happened.
our small beach
Rhodes Old Town

Posted by
4:44:00 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
its over
I think now my run of pain and suffering is done with, I can eat drink and be merry,
my stitches in the mouth have been removed the crown on the tooth is fixed and another cracked filling done all for the same price.
I left work at 2.30 pm and went home cleaned the teeth and went to THE DENTIST I just want them damn stiches out they were irritating me to hell.
enter Dentist Surgery,
Me,,,,hello love you got over pulling that bloody tooth yet.
Dentist,,,No, it was a bad one have you been ok?
Me,,,yeah(liar) just fine and dandy, can't wait to have these stiches out bloody irritating things.
Dentist,, (looking in mouth) oh yes it looks nice and pink,lets get those stiches out, right she says I will just fix that crown that was damaged.
Me,,, ermmmmmmm this isn't going to cost any more is it.
Dentist,,, oh no its all been paid for.
A few minutes later the crown was as good as new.
Dentist,, now she says I want to fix that broken filling, can you do this without injection.
Me,, yeah sure as long as its not too deep get on with it.
Drill ,,,,,drill ,,,,,,,,,,, drill,,,,,,,,,,,, scrape,,,,,,,,, bit more drilling ,,,, you have a very good pain threshhold she says,,
Me,,,, yes I think I must have.
Minutes later I have fixed crown,, fixed filling,,, and cleaned teeth,,, and my mouth feels almost normal, we chat about filling the gap caused by the removal of the molar and I soon think its the cost of a small new car,,, so I say ok love , I will see you in 6 months.
All is well my smile is back to normal although she wouldn't put the diamond in the crown like I suggested saying something about national health service won't pay for it, but at least I tried.
Posted by
3:52:00 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
had time to recover over the weekend, and thinking life almost normal,(if it was normal it wouldn't be me and I would be thinking where and who am I).I went to work monday as normal and did a normal day of graft.
Coming home I thought we will have something nice for tea and a few beers, but that wasn't going to be was it.
My stomache felt strangly,, ,, not right, I felt sick, I put it down to being hungry so I grabbed a quick snack.
Well that didn't make it better but I just thought come on Steve snap out of it .
So we had our evening meal, I felt worse, and by 8.00pm I put my self in bed.
I struggled to get to sleep and started to have bad cramps in my stomache and abdomen and knew I was going to be sick, and by 9.30 I was,,,,,, a lot,,,"D" brought me some water and took away bucket full of vomit,,,,,,, nice this init.
Couldn't sleep all night I knew at this point it was food poisening, but what? in truth I didn't care.
Having not slept all night and being doubled up in pain I phoned in sick.
I spent Tuesday, feeling very sorry for myself and not moving a lot.
This morning I got up as normal 4.30am and thought should I go in, I still had cramps and really not too good so I thought no If I go in they "will" expect me to be as normal and walk miles and lift heavy stuff I wanted cigarettes so I went to the shop in the car of course and the short walk of some 20 yards convinced me I had done the right thing. At work I calculate I walk about 10 miles everyday.
So today I will watch movies and play on the laptop so I don't have to move much.
Not to worry in a week I will be going away on holiday YAAAAAAAAAY.
Posted by
7:57:00 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Some weeks,
are just not the same.
Take this week, there I was as busy as ever at work, thinking not long till the old holiday.
Till Thursday,,,, well I thought good an early one,
you see I had to be at the Dentists for 3.00pm,
so I left work early.
In my head I would be at home by 3.15 latest after a quick look at the old gnashers and brush up and then wait another 6 months.
How wrong could I have been.
Dentist,,, (lovely woman)had any trouble since I saw you last
Me,,,,,,,, none really just a but sensative around here pointed to tooth.
Dentist,,, lets look.
Dentist,,,, ohhhhhhhhhhhh,, you have a big hole in that tooth and it is above the gum line it will have to come out.
Me,,,,,, Ok yank it out, but which arm or leg would you like for me to pay for it.
Dentist,,, need to xray it first,,,,
Great bloody thing in mouth,,,,,,,,,,,,,, she and assistant run out of room like I had just farted.
then came back in to check resulting xray,,,, after much embarrasment apologises and puts film in this time, same again both run out of room Like I am a lepor.
There she says,, look at this, points to hole in my tooth on moniter,,,, it will "have" to come out.
Me,,, ok you have time now lets do it.
So after many injections and me slavering down my shirt and not knowing it I was ready.
Dentist ,,, can you feel this.
Me,, no thats just fine yank it out.
all the tools were laid by my side on the little tray (I thought they don't look big enough).
puts small lever in to the gum and trys to loosen tooth,,,,,, next forceps (she would have been better off with a tyre lever and mole grips).
She pulls and twists at the tooth no movement,,,,,,,she then gets bigger forceps and bigger levers,
nope this little bugger is in here for good, we breed em big and strong in Yorkshire I quiped, slaver still running dowm my chin.
Even bigger forceps called for ,,, tug ,,,, twist,,,,, crack,,,, oh I have just chiped your crown.
No,,,,,,,, not the tooth I wanted out, but the one on the tooth next to it the one I paid £60 bloody Quid for 10 years ago
More tugging,, pulling this time with assitant holding my head "CRACK",,,, Oh she said the crown has broke off.
I felt like the size of a small pebble as she fumbled in my mouth to retrieve it.
next came the drill I will have to drill now ,,,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,,,,,,,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,,zzzzzzzzzz,
a bit more prodding and pulling.
Dentist,,I will have to cut your gum to get to the roots
Me,,, ok just do it(by this time I was losing the will to live)
anyway after much pulling and prodding I felt one by one the roots come out.
There was a pile of tools on the bib on my chest a mechanic would have been proud of and it was Dentist 1 tooth 0.
Dentist,,,, do you smoke or drink
Me,,, do Bears shit in the woods.
Dentist,,,,,well you can't do either, I am giving you this prescrpition take all these tablets you must do all this stuff hands me a list.
Dentist ,,, you have just had a surgical extraction and its very important.
I looked at the list of tablets and thought bloody hell they are at least £6 each
Anyway I have now got a hole in my gum the size of a small country and stiches in the gum to boot and a damaged crown and I have to go back next week.
I was a full hour in that chair and my thoughts of a blissfull afternoon had gone.,,,,TBC.
Posted by
4:53:00 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Once again
I have been really busy at work and I have to say, what a week that was, but I won't bore you with all the details of steel work.
So Monday,,,,,,,,,, worked right hard
Tuesday ,,,,,,,,, worked right hard
Wednesday went to the hospital at Selly Oak got fitted with the Heart moniter
went back to work ,,,,, worked
Thursday,,,,,,, went to work
went back to Selly Oak to have it took off after 24 hours
Had Echocardiograph scan,,,,, lovely woman did it very thorough,, said to me if I were you I wouldn't worry about anything.
I heard my heart sloshing around as she checked all the valves.
are you sure you are not an Ox she quiped?
so after that I am a lot happier.
So this weekend has not been much different from any other. Apart from we "had" to shape up the garden that has been neglected for a month.
Saturday went to work got back early and had me hair cut
promptly fell asleep while "D" booked a holiday on the internet, so the good news is,,,, we are going to Rhodes "Greece" for a week, starting 2 weeks on Wednesday and we will be back on the 5th September.
I have never been there and am looking forward to it a good weeks rest, and to spend some quality time with "D".
Today I made a meal apart from the meat, with all the ingrediants we have grown in the garden.
soup ,,, fresh Tomatoes carrots parsnip and onions, delicious
main course,,,, pork (killed by someone else) roast spuds carrots and parsnip, gravy.
pudding,, apple pie ,,,, what else we have loads of the buggers.
So now we have tidied the garden and it is at this point I am going to throw down the Gauntlet.
We have this year grown some very big sunflowers, not big by some standards but big for us in a small garden.
I am going to put up a £10 prize for the grower of the biggest sunflower but,,,, grown from my seeds from Buster and Lauren that is what we called them.
It has to be the tallest and widest flower to be the winner, to give you an idea buster was 8 feet 6 inches high and his flower and only the seeds not the petals measured 8,1/2"( inches)
Lauren was higher by 6"(inches) but the same flower size.
Send me your address to my gmail address I will post the seeds.
So it will be good luck next year if you want to win a Tenner.
Buster is on the left
Lauren is on the right
say which ones you want
our greenhouse door("D"s) work
my work,
apple and red cherry pie.
so if you want the challenge go for it.
Posted by
6:25:00 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
My apologies for absence (part 2)
Once more I have been absent, but not without good reason,
1, I have been knackered doing 11 plus hour days at work getting the jobs out. All the work is nearly done all the work is nearly done on the extention and fitting of the new equipment and in a few days we will be live doing shotblasting and painting.
2. I needed the money.
3.Finaly after years of procrasternation, I have proposed to "D" here is the ring(what a relief she said yes) we are to be married next year, after almost 7 years together, the first 2 I spent traveling between Yorkshire and Birmingham, clocking up about 30,000 miles in travel.
We went out, on the Sunday night I proposed, to one of our favorite chinese restaurants.
I bought Champagne(a full bottle) that was a first.Champagne is strong we were both hung over.
4. I have been Knackered.
so without further ado I am trying to get back into some sort of normality.
It has been a wet month in August but now into September it looks like it might be better for a bit, everything is going nice on the garden front, the caterpillars love our plants but some have pulled through.By the way Mars is about as close as it can get to us at the moment this is what it looks like,
I am not impressed I wanted bigger, its just a red dot in the sky?
Today we went to the the Kings Heath garden show is was good I got these the mother of all garden croppers
yes I know I am odd but it all adds to the flavour
here are some pics of the wind swept and sodden garden free sunflowers plated by the birds or squirrels
tomatoes by "D"
Chilli anyone we have never grown these
we still have a passion
look at the size of those apples
clematis hanging on
and finaly I see this Heron most mornings I think he must stand 3 feet tall
Posted by
4:22:00 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I choose not to write
because I can and because I have been so bloody busy and tired I did not have the will anymore to do this.
However I am back and with heavy hand on key board and the fingers tight with artheristis,
" yes it's now got cold " I will do it, I have been reading other blogs and bloody good they are too.
I wish I had the time to do this every night but alas no, I will be glad when the alterations are done at work and I can go back to some sort of normality.
The Germans went this morning having been there a month and their job complete I will miss them and hope maybe one day to see them both again.
I will miss their humour and the rattling away in German and being so polite as to slow down the speech if I was about so I could understand, yes if slow enough I can get the drift of what they were on about.
Some of us at work now have a new vocabulary when passing and are swearing at each other in German, they taught us all the good stuff of course.
The weather has been crap this month and really is like Autumn and the plants just do not know what to do I am hoping it will warm up in September
Our garden looks like this now and is very wet but everything is growing we have tons of apples and tomatoes, peas are ok, and the caterpillars have had the rest.
the sunflowres are still good thoughour neighbour has now for the third year running, won the leave your washing out in the rain competition.
I think now she should have the lifetime achievement award for being idle.
As hard as I try I cannot leave it there 3 whole days.
you can also see the top of the hedge she hasn't trimmed that is the bit I cannot reach.
It's nice to see the fighting has at last stopped in Lebonan and look forward to see some cheap holidays coming up there soon, see your local travel agent.
On that not note I will take my beer and relax in the comfort of my armchair.
Posted by
7:00:00 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
this weekend
does not seem to have been one, what with work on Saturday morning, and then a bit of shopping, ( we had to go out we had got hardly any food in the house) and of course we love shopping, (not) after I got home from work we put off the event untill the last moment and off we went,,,,an hour later we came back with carrier bags buldgingwith a load of goodies like cake and chocolate, we forgot about the food, and got all the good stuff instead.
We did buy some liver and today we had that for our rather late lunch.
You tend not to see much of that stuff in the butchers now but as a kid,I was brought up on it, doesnt take much to cook and is really tasty, so it was liver onions mushrooms crushed black pepper, I got a courgette from the green house and sauted that with garlic and tomatoes and did some mashed spuds, we had a lovely meal,at the moment there is a rice pudding in the oven but I think at this time it will be to late to eat it.
I seem to have done a lot today but got nowhere it's 8.55 pm and its just getting dark but a warm and glorious day the sunflowers are shaking their heads above the shed in the light breeze we are just getting.
I do know at this point I will be having a really tough week at work so is no good whining about it I will just have to get on with it.
now I am going to throw this one in before I go .
Why is it that all the trouble in this world seems to me to be caused by Muslim extremists,
correct me if I am wrong,but do they want to kill us all,if we don't want to believe in the same shit as them,,, just a thought.
Posted by
7:52:00 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
after a hard day at work, all I want to do is come home crack a can and eat then watch TV.
Why is TV so crap and in this country why the hell do we have to pay for the privilidge.
I think this is why we have so many dvd's and vidio's.
So tonight with once more just the normal repeats and the news is all about, screaming homosexual politician's,and people beating the crap out of each other in the middle east, we end up watching "CELEBRITY BREAK UPS",mmmmm who the f**k care's how many times they get married or break up, hell fire they are just people and by the look of it very shallow people.
I think too much is put on the TV about all these people I don't care if Macca gets divorced,
I don't care if some MP hangs himself with an orange stuck in his mouth or is found with a small boy in a park spanking bottoms.
I do think most of these people are stuck so far up their own arseholes they could lick their own tonsils.
Anyway it's just my opinion but then everyone is entitled to my" opinion" lol
Posted by
7:15:00 PM
Sunday, July 30, 2006
my apologies for absence
I have had a rather tough week with really long hours, and have been very tired.
But enough of the good stuff I am still alive and well but in need of a holiday in the sun, I think I will go to some third world country and help the starving millions by teaching them how to fish and grow crops and also how to stop getting aids by keeping their dicks in their trousers or loin cloths, instead of holding their hands out.
It always made me think that if they have the strength for sex they should have the strength to work or dig.
I also need to know when women, have got to get whats coming to them, or what ever that is.
But read the comments on the last blog and all will be clear but at the moment all is clear as mud.
Today I have been to Yorkshire to see my children. it's a good long drive from here I am used to it but there and back in the day is also tiring.
Anyway all is well with them all and it was nice to see them.
Yesterday I invited the German Chappies who are at work around for a curry, home made of course, they came and marveled at how small our house is and also only one toilet, we had a bloody good evening and a good laugh and yes I did mention the war, but only in the mutual films we like and how the language has altered from that time.
I feel next week will be more of the same, so be patient I will pick up the threads of normality soon.
Meanwhile here is some more of the garden
This sunflower is now 9 feet tall
you don't need another pic of me with my fat arse
and we planted wild flowers I think it is truly wild.
Posted by
7:28:00 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
In the land of Giants
this year has been great for the garden and I am really impressed with the sunflowers this one is 8 feet tall I am 6 feet 2 inch. Grow baby grow.
Take no notice of the towels on the line, just pretend they are not there.
It looks like I am getting chubby must get the bike back out.
this one is also 8 feet tall
we do get a little help from our friends
and the Bee's are busy, I used a macro setting and just hoped for the best
I love to see the vibrant colours on all of these
Clematis I just love this colour Pansy's and sweetpeas
another glorious day we went out for Sunday lunch at one of our favorite pubs The Black Horse (Illey) all the jobs have been done and now it's chill time.
Posted by
4:45:00 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
well that was the week that was
This week has gone sooo quickly.
I hav'nt had time to sit or do this, it just seems to have been a big rush.
Everything is upsidedown at work, there are workers everywhere moving machines and installing new one's.
There are 2 very nice German blokes here fitting the New Shotblaster and I am trying to brush up on my German and they too are getting to know how to speak English better.
they made me laugh the other day when one of them said whilst working on the machine
"alle Scheiße" I understood him straight away.
On Wednesday we travelled up to Leeds for middle son's graduation what a bloody long day running around from pillar to post photographs here and there the ceremony and at last he got his degree A first in phyics with astro phyics.
I would say all his hard work has payed off and that will set him up for a lifetime.
Well done middle son you are a credit to yourself and all your family.
We had some drinks and D and I went to our hotel, well I know Leeds and knew it wasn't in the best part of town but at least it would be a bed for the night and the view was amazing
yes thats Leeds alright
not something you want to write home about
can you just imagine
(what was Leeds like? well shite really)
Any way enough of the good stuff we got up early the day after and turned down the offer of continental breakfast for £6 each and traveled down the M1 and turned off to visit Holmfirth where they film The last of the Summer Wine, we had a bloody good english breakfast there for about £5 each and that set us up for the day.
We travelled home slower than normal and got home at about 12. 30 it was a glorious day and we stayed in the garden and I made some pimms we didn't have the proper stuff so I improvised 2 pints of lemonade a quarter of a bottle of vodka some fresh fruit some brandy, orange squash and ice, after we drank that, we did'nt care much about anything.
Then only one day left and its the weekend again not so sunny today but very warm and muggy
Posted by
10:53:00 AM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
weekends go too quick
Because we had middle son down to see us on Saturday we didn't do too much as D wanted to spend some time with him he graduates next week, so we slobbed all day in the garden, and I trimmed the front hedge.
We waved him goodbye as he cycled off to the station and slobbed some more.
Sunday though has been much different I woke early as normal and got on with my Jobs, first I ahd promised myself, to degrease and jet spray the cars engine that went well and the car started after, so I though oh good I then fixed the leaking tap which is in the back garden, got showered and changed and we were going to go out.
Car refused to start, I wasn't suprised I had just drenched it, so when the battery had almost died on me, I took the plugs out well they were knackered so I walked to the shop and got new ones, I still wouldn't start so I took off the distributer and oh yes it was full of water, anyway I cleaned it charged up the car battery put everything back on and bingo it went.
So that sorted we did a bit of shopping at the local shops only to find a man dressed in armour riding a horse and he told us there was display at Weoley Castle, so the shopping done very quickly, we raced home and walked down to the Castle and this is what we saw
and this is just a short walk from us we are lucky
oh and it was free
Posted by
3:53:00 PM