Christmas is soon on us and "D" say's come on Steve this Saturday we are going into town.
Now I have never,, I mean never,, done any xmas shopping before the 12th of December.
There is good reason for this as the 12th is my Birthday and it is only after that I consider it Christmas.
So I was tricked, bring some money I was told.
So off to the train station at Selly Oak. to find the whole of the platform full of folks anyway not phased we waited for it and to our suprise it turned up and thankfully was at least a 100 yards long and everyone got a seat.
There is only 2 stops and we are at New Street Station so 10 minutes later we were in a sea of heads, now I am closteraphobic, I hate being in crowds and for me to venture into this lot is a big thing, but I agreed with "D" it had to be done.
So off we went into the shops and into the Bull ring, out of the Bull ring, back into the Bull ring, Had a Burger King for lunch (highlight of day).
More shopping and soon it was time to leave, my fingers were wheighed down with plastic bags and they were cutting into my fingers and all feeling had gone.
We must have some Gluwien at the German market "D" said, (we have one every year here in Bimingham) we truged up New St and got to the top where the food stalls are next to the
Floozie in the Jacuzzi is.
It was bloody packed so we queued for our Gluwien(hot wine with spices in a mug) I heard one bloke saying obviousley a fellow Yorkshireman bloody hell you can buy 12 cans of Stella for the price of that( made me chuckle a bit we don't change do we).
A great place to be Birmingham at Xmas time but for me too full, however a first for me to get any presents before the 12th, I repeat the 12th oh did I tell you it's my birthday on the 12th.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Posted by
6:50:00 PM
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