after a hard day at work, all I want to do is come home crack a can and eat then watch TV.
Why is TV so crap and in this country why the hell do we have to pay for the privilidge.
I think this is why we have so many dvd's and vidio's.
So tonight with once more just the normal repeats and the news is all about, screaming homosexual politician's,and people beating the crap out of each other in the middle east, we end up watching "CELEBRITY BREAK UPS",mmmmm who the f**k care's how many times they get married or break up, hell fire they are just people and by the look of it very shallow people.
I think too much is put on the TV about all these people I don't care if Macca gets divorced,
I don't care if some MP hangs himself with an orange stuck in his mouth or is found with a small boy in a park spanking bottoms.
I do think most of these people are stuck so far up their own arseholes they could lick their own tonsils.
Anyway it's just my opinion but then everyone is entitled to my" opinion" lol
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Posted by
7:15:00 PM
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