that in this country we have things like "this" in the urban districts.
I was walking the dog on Friday night and whilst crossing this
some small children playing on their bikes called me over, "Hey Mister there is a snake come and have a look!" they were all very excited and hyper and standing well clear of this snake, so I walked up to them, they had made a bike jump out of an old table,
and sure enough when I got there I saw it,was not the little grass snake I was expecting, but a bloody big Adder.
I am not prone to exaggeration but when I tell you it was about a meter long, it was big, as thick as the walking stick I now take with me.
(I don't need a stick to walk it is to keep the bloody stray dogs away)
fatter in the middle it had eaten you could tell,
I told the kids now just stay away from it they are poisonous and it is more frightened of you than you of it,
it can bite you and it will hurt you.
I carried on home and looked on the Internet to see if it was what I saw,
I was right a big male Adder
3 or 4 hundred yards from our home.
well bugger me I have never seen one also they are a protected species