Saturday, August 30, 2008
you would never guess

Posted by
12:27:00 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
walkies and other stuff
I have said before I quite often pass the Castle ruins with the dog , this is what it looked like this morning, quiet and peacefull.
and I know its the fashion for young people to have there pants down past their back sides nowadays but for gods sake.
you wouldn't want to mess with this guy would ya
I love these phone cameras always there just when you need them, what did we do before, well I used to carry a big 35mm film camera and no it wouldn't fit in the smallest pocket, and then wait days for the pictures, or untill you had finished the film.
Posted by
11:01:00 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
wedding days
Posted by
10:04:00 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
it was Sitemeter and internet explorer that was causing the problem, but it is sorted now anyway.
what a wasted day.
Posted by
7:05:00 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2008
this isn't the Saturday I expected, I got up this morning expecting to do stuff and have been on this thing all day.
first of all we couldn't open certain web sites then started checking stuff like what the f**k is going on, we had a lightning strike hit a house a few doors away in the week, it set off the house alarm, knocked out the wireless modem blew up the big computer and completley f**ked the printer thingy,,,,,,,, the air was live with static energy.
Genius middle son fixed(replaced) the modem, and sorted out the alarm, but alas the big mother computer is gone we have to have a new one, luckily he will build it for us.
anyway I am rambling "D" had this good idea ,,,,try another web browser so we uploaded "opera" and bingo it worked, I don't like it much it's different, and doesn't seem as easy as explorer, but at least we can view page's.
we had to download adobe flash player ver 9 to get it to go but it seems OK.
the dog was ok about it all and he doesn't seem to be growing another head or anything.
apart from all that everything is ok and looking forward to the wedding next week at Ripley castle, although shock horror I have have not yet done my speech but don't worry kids if you read this I will be alright on the night, we didn't need any more expense before our holiday in the States but that is the way the cookie crumbles.
so enough grumbling for now
illegitimi non carborundum
Posted by
2:51:00 PM