The year I mean,
anyway I wake up this last day of the year to a dark and very foggy frosty morning,(all through the holidays I have woke at the same time I do as if going to work) so no" lie In's" for me I guess.
I always tend to look back at the year gone and wonder what have we done?
well here in brief
January=it rained and we got our new doggy
February=it rained and took our doggyout in the rain and got wet.
March=it rained
April =it rained
May =I think we saw the "sun" but it rained
June =it rained
July= it rained
August= yes it still rained but but stopped long enough for my Daughter to be Married.
September= it rained But we mangaged to get out of he rain by going on holiday to the USA.
This is a pic of our last day as we traveled towards Lake Mead.
October= it rained
November= it rained and got cold
December= the rain has stopped but now everywhere is ice and cold.Someone got a nice suprise with a hot air ballon ride on Christms Day
bet it was cold up there.
It sounds gloomy, but really the year has been good I have managed to get to work all year without a single day off sick, I still walk the dog every day and he is a good and welcome part of our family. I just wish it would stop raining.
The financial depression has hit a lot of households and appears to be getting worse, I don't know even if my job is safe as we go into the "New Year" but after working since I was 15 years old(42 years now) I not too worried if I lose it.
I have never been unemployed and it will be strange for me not to get up and go, and have to re- lie on benefits.
So at this point, I would like to wish everyone who comes in here from time to time a very happy New Year and hope everything goes well for you.
We won't be going out tonight it's too bloody cold for a start and anyway we like to watch the firework displays in Birmingham from our upstairs bedroom window, its warm and cosy and no doubt will be worse for the wear from alcohol abuse.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
where has it gone
Posted by
9:43:00 AM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
We have rats under our shed in the back garden, so as my gas pistol is broke (been meaning to fix it for ages ) it prompted me to go to a place near Merry Hell in the Black Country WHERE THEY SELL BIG BOYS TOYS Yaaaaaaaaaaaa.
this gun needs fixing I need this bit for it I said, yes sure the bloke said I know just the bit you need, so I ordered it, anyway while I was there I could not resist to look at all the other BBT'S and ended up getting a new BBT.
So look out Rats I am gonna get ya
Who says you have to get old and grow up, and oh I fixed my pistol,
Posted by
11:53:00 AM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
the holiday
well to save doing it twice and because I am a man,,,,and lazy to boot and of course "D" is the better writer look here for the holiday adventure.
full of pics and stuff enjoy
Posted by
6:12:00 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I think I might just stop here
here are a few more pics not in any order just us having a good time , here we are horse back riding
yes we did get to the Grand Canyon
these roads never end
Posted by
1:31:00 AM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
we're here
thats all for now ,,,,,
Posted by
5:22:00 PM
Sunday, September 07, 2008
and it rained
bloody glad I am going away!!!!!!!!!
This is my freind LEE

I like Lee and that is why I got his favorite song for him, I think he likes the Indian best,
Anyway he has asked me to keep in touch with him whilst we are away so I will be posting pics on our journey.
so look out for them.
I don't know when next post will be all depends on Wi Fi connections but will do our damdest.
bye for now
Posted by
2:11:00 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
you would never guess

Posted by
12:27:00 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
walkies and other stuff
I have said before I quite often pass the Castle ruins with the dog , this is what it looked like this morning, quiet and peacefull.
and I know its the fashion for young people to have there pants down past their back sides nowadays but for gods sake.
you wouldn't want to mess with this guy would ya
I love these phone cameras always there just when you need them, what did we do before, well I used to carry a big 35mm film camera and no it wouldn't fit in the smallest pocket, and then wait days for the pictures, or untill you had finished the film.
Posted by
11:01:00 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
wedding days
Posted by
10:04:00 AM
Sunday, August 03, 2008
it was Sitemeter and internet explorer that was causing the problem, but it is sorted now anyway.
what a wasted day.
Posted by
7:05:00 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2008
this isn't the Saturday I expected, I got up this morning expecting to do stuff and have been on this thing all day.
first of all we couldn't open certain web sites then started checking stuff like what the f**k is going on, we had a lightning strike hit a house a few doors away in the week, it set off the house alarm, knocked out the wireless modem blew up the big computer and completley f**ked the printer thingy,,,,,,,, the air was live with static energy.
Genius middle son fixed(replaced) the modem, and sorted out the alarm, but alas the big mother computer is gone we have to have a new one, luckily he will build it for us.
anyway I am rambling "D" had this good idea ,,,,try another web browser so we uploaded "opera" and bingo it worked, I don't like it much it's different, and doesn't seem as easy as explorer, but at least we can view page's.
we had to download adobe flash player ver 9 to get it to go but it seems OK.
the dog was ok about it all and he doesn't seem to be growing another head or anything.
apart from all that everything is ok and looking forward to the wedding next week at Ripley castle, although shock horror I have have not yet done my speech but don't worry kids if you read this I will be alright on the night, we didn't need any more expense before our holiday in the States but that is the way the cookie crumbles.
so enough grumbling for now
illegitimi non carborundum
Posted by
2:51:00 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
its a beautifull day
here in the West Midlands the sun is out its about (phew its fuckin hot ) type of weather but I am not complaining.
Went to see my God child today as it was his mothers 40th no sorry 37th birthday anyway he's a good little chap, and don't ask me why I am GOD PARENT I don't go to church, but I promised I would be there for him and surely I will if it's needed.
So off we went using the new Sat Nav and it got us there a pub near Walsall had a couple of pints and floated back home having a Big Mac on the way for Sunday dinner, its too hot to cook.
so much for our roast beef and yorkshire puddings.
At the minute and I want you to picture this,,, we are sat quiet in our garden both doing our blogs on laptops not a lot of noise just the odd scream from a hot child,the dog is panting there is no way I am taking him on his mile long walk,and I am having a beer.
(swig,how good does life get).
Everthing in the garden now seems to be growing,,,,and fast, its amazing how 2 pints and a bit of warm weather can cheer you up.
But whats that I see dark clouds??? Jesus Christ there is going to be a thunder storm,
bloody bleeding British weather I am going indoors.
Posted by
5:08:00 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I have added this thing which seems to be going around, and it proves really I don't swear much.
The hell I do swear,,,,,,,,,, everyday you meet some brain dead stupid bastard with no dick who thinks he knows more than you do, bleeding hell fire I must work with 1/2 a dozen fuckwits just like that.
Also some of the so called drivers on the road where the fuck did they get the license, you only have to drive to the shop a mile away and you meet some twat on the road who can't get through a gap you could drive a tank through.
Something else, how the bleeding hell do they get jobs in shops, non of them can add up without using the till to add 2+2, what the fuck are they doing at school!
There thats better got that off me chest.
Posted by
1:30:00 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
post script
Further to my post this morning, we are fortunate to live close to some Saxon ruins,,,,,,
ie: Weoley Castle, and every year they have an open day, so I took this video of the very practiced fight in armour,,,, just listen to the kids (not the adults) baying for blood ,,,,,,, I think my idea might not be so bad after all, its about 4 mins long and we are very lucky to have this so close by,
I walk the dog by this "Castle"(more a fortified manor house with a moat) everyday!
Posted by
3:30:00 PM
I have a good idea
there is a lot in the news about violent crime and killings in the UK, well I have the answer.
lets stop buggering around with these people, if you are caught with a knife or gun and using it for criminal intent or are caught for violent behaviour, we could build special places like this
and perhaps dress them like this,,,,,,
then send them all in at once on the basis that the last man standing comes out.
he would then be promptly arrested for carrying a weapon and shoved back in again with the next lot. It would be great, we could all watch, and take bets on the winner, it would be a great day out, and reduce the prison population straight away, so we wouldn't have to pay thousands out every year to keep them in there.
I know what your thinking
its all been done before
well it's not a new idea but a good one just the same
I wonder how many would carry knives and guns after seeing a few of these "games"
In the the UK at the moment we have weak government with weaker laws.
A very sad place to live.
Posted by
9:13:00 AM
Monday, July 07, 2008
if you ignore this
It still doesn't go away, so I have a day off from work to keep the few who might wander in here up to date.
We have not had a proper holiday all year but in the next 2 months are going to be busy.
My oldest daughter gets married in August and
we are looking forward to that, it's up north
some where a place called Ripley castle
and we will be stopping here a couple of days for the festivities
Also in September we are going away to Las Vagas and the touring around the Grand Canyon area for two weeks so that should put us right on the holiday front. we are stopping
here for 2 days then off touring in this
and when we come back we are stopping at the Stratosphere Tower for 2 days before we come home.
Am really looking forward to it and should have some good pics to show when we are back.
although at my current rate of blogging you will see them a year next Wednesday.
Other things; work is going ok, and I have just got one of those sat nav things,
bloody good them are, although I had to have the blokes voice on it named Ken because I just couldn't stand the woman telling me where to go, it works great even when I tried to trick him.
It also tells me where all the safety (speed ) cameras are, but then again when was the last time I got done for speeding (1970) so who cares.
Posted by
10:14:00 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
am so laid back now I can't believe it myself.
(huffing and puffing at typing)
the months are just flying by and I don't notice
so just a few things,I think I will have a moan.
We ordered a new leather suite on December 29th
ok we have to wait 12 weeks
they phoned us to tell us it will now be April 10th
ok not so bad
The bloody thing is still in China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and will be sometime in May before we even sit on it
I could have reared my own cow skinned it and made my own by then.
The bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!
It snowed in April
the dog liked it,,,,,
it wore him out because we still went for walkies.
Anyway enough for now it won't let me put another pic on,,,,,, and I can't be arsed
but I am still alive.
Posted by
7:52:00 PM
Sunday, February 03, 2008
is that a bald patch
Posted by
6:18:00 PM