because I can and because I have been so bloody busy and tired I did not have the will anymore to do this.
However I am back and with heavy hand on key board and the fingers tight with artheristis,
" yes it's now got cold " I will do it, I have been reading other blogs and bloody good they are too.
I wish I had the time to do this every night but alas no, I will be glad when the alterations are done at work and I can go back to some sort of normality.
The Germans went this morning having been there a month and their job complete I will miss them and hope maybe one day to see them both again.
I will miss their humour and the rattling away in German and being so polite as to slow down the speech if I was about so I could understand, yes if slow enough I can get the drift of what they were on about.
Some of us at work now have a new vocabulary when passing and are swearing at each other in German, they taught us all the good stuff of course.
The weather has been crap this month and really is like Autumn and the plants just do not know what to do I am hoping it will warm up in September
Our garden looks like this now and is very wet but everything is growing we have tons of apples and tomatoes, peas are ok, and the caterpillars have had the rest.
the sunflowres are still good thoughour neighbour has now for the third year running, won the leave your washing out in the rain competition.
I think now she should have the lifetime achievement award for being idle.
As hard as I try I cannot leave it there 3 whole days.
you can also see the top of the hedge she hasn't trimmed that is the bit I cannot reach.
It's nice to see the fighting has at last stopped in Lebonan and look forward to see some cheap holidays coming up there soon, see your local travel agent.
On that not note I will take my beer and relax in the comfort of my armchair.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I choose not to write
Posted by
7:00:00 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
this weekend
does not seem to have been one, what with work on Saturday morning, and then a bit of shopping, ( we had to go out we had got hardly any food in the house) and of course we love shopping, (not) after I got home from work we put off the event untill the last moment and off we went,,,,an hour later we came back with carrier bags buldgingwith a load of goodies like cake and chocolate, we forgot about the food, and got all the good stuff instead.
We did buy some liver and today we had that for our rather late lunch.
You tend not to see much of that stuff in the butchers now but as a kid,I was brought up on it, doesnt take much to cook and is really tasty, so it was liver onions mushrooms crushed black pepper, I got a courgette from the green house and sauted that with garlic and tomatoes and did some mashed spuds, we had a lovely meal,at the moment there is a rice pudding in the oven but I think at this time it will be to late to eat it.
I seem to have done a lot today but got nowhere it's 8.55 pm and its just getting dark but a warm and glorious day the sunflowers are shaking their heads above the shed in the light breeze we are just getting.
I do know at this point I will be having a really tough week at work so is no good whining about it I will just have to get on with it.
now I am going to throw this one in before I go .
Why is it that all the trouble in this world seems to me to be caused by Muslim extremists,
correct me if I am wrong,but do they want to kill us all,if we don't want to believe in the same shit as them,,, just a thought.
Posted by
7:52:00 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
after a hard day at work, all I want to do is come home crack a can and eat then watch TV.
Why is TV so crap and in this country why the hell do we have to pay for the privilidge.
I think this is why we have so many dvd's and vidio's.
So tonight with once more just the normal repeats and the news is all about, screaming homosexual politician's,and people beating the crap out of each other in the middle east, we end up watching "CELEBRITY BREAK UPS",mmmmm who the f**k care's how many times they get married or break up, hell fire they are just people and by the look of it very shallow people.
I think too much is put on the TV about all these people I don't care if Macca gets divorced,
I don't care if some MP hangs himself with an orange stuck in his mouth or is found with a small boy in a park spanking bottoms.
I do think most of these people are stuck so far up their own arseholes they could lick their own tonsils.
Anyway it's just my opinion but then everyone is entitled to my" opinion" lol
Posted by
7:15:00 PM