On Friday we decided it would be a good idea to buy some slabs for the garden then at least I could lay them over the holiday, so I got my tape out and measured the distance I needed to cover.
7 meters something I got, but the slabs are sold in either 2feet square or big 3 feet by 2 feet ones I thought better get the 2 feet square ones (easier to carry) well I worked out I needed 12 of them to cover the length I needed to make a path to the green house so we didn’t get muddy,
So the conversation went like this.
ME,,,, I need 12 of them slabs
Partner,,,,, no you don’t need that many.
ME,,,,Yes I do I just measured it
Partner,,,, never! let me do it(so without a tape and using a broom handle) you don’t, you only need 8.
ME,,,, Yes but you just measured the big ones they are 3 feet long what is 3x 8
ME,,,, So I need 12 of the 2 feet square ones it will cover the same distance.
Partner,,,, but I want the big ones.
ME,,, Have you ever lifted one.
Partner ,,, no
ME,,, Ok then lets go see how much they are.
Builders yard
ME,,, How much are them 3 x 2 slabs( now he knows us“ we have been before”)
Man at yard,,, I know how long your drive is and if I drop them at the end of the drive you wouldn’t want to carry them far would you.
ME,,, No
Man at yard,,, you would be better off with the 2 feet square ones.
ME ,,, Looks at partner “see I told you “we only need 12
Partner,,,When can we have them?
Man at yard,,, Saturday or Monday
Partner,,,, Oh Saturday please
Man at yard,,, I wasn’t giving you a choice it is either Saturday or Monday.
US,,, We would prefer Saturday
Man at Yard,,, well we are busy it will be one or the other.
At least we are getting our slabs ,,,, sometime,,,,,and she now owes me 50 pence because we had a bet on how many we would want.
Friday night we went out, now we don’t go out much, no really we have all the comforts we need at home, but we did make the effort and after what seemed like a lifetime waiting for the bloody bus thanked God (and I am an atheist) for getting off alive ( no point in taking the car I will be drinking and it’s murder to park) we got to Broad St still in one piece, the bus drivers here are all homicidal maniacs.
Well we went to the first place we had thought of going to it was packed and very noisy and they didn’t have a table which is just as well because I would not have enjoyed my meal with all the bloody noise.
So we decided to walk to the Chinese Quarter and have one there ( big place Birmingham) My partner who has lived here all her life showed the way we didn’t pass a bloody pub is what she did.
So any way we went to a nice restaurant and had a really nice meal yakked for about two hours drank beer and then made our way back for the bus.
this is where we went
Note to all women never wear high heels if you have to walk more than 2 steps.
She whined like a good un all the way back.
Another wait for a bus until some kind constable told us if you are waiting for a bus here you will have a long wait you will have to walk at least 2 bus stops because the buses are diverted, so anther bloody hike with beloved Partner whining and cringing at every step.
Got to the Bus stop and waited and WAITED AND WAITED watched all the revellers and cars bumping into each other beggars wanting handouts ( the best way to deal with them is say NO and look the other way) anyway I was so tired when we eventually got home I was in bed for
10 – 30 knackered.
Broad St
Next time we will pick somewhere closer to home is what we will do.
We gardened, then the slabs turned up (yippee), and I chucked them down on the grass and said I will do it proper later, but at least we have a path now and can reach the greenhouse without getting muddy
nice view of slabs and my shirts on the line
Bloody Knackered is what I am, all this high life and going out has took its toll.
I am am an old bastard so today I am doing,
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Posted by
5:04:00 PM
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