On Friday we decided it would be a good idea to buy some slabs for the garden then at least I could lay them over the holiday, so I got my tape out and measured the distance I needed to cover.
7 meters something I got, but the slabs are sold in either 2feet square or big 3 feet by 2 feet ones I thought better get the 2 feet square ones (easier to carry) well I worked out I needed 12 of them to cover the length I needed to make a path to the green house so we didn’t get muddy,
So the conversation went like this.
ME,,,, I need 12 of them slabs
Partner,,,,, no you don’t need that many.
ME,,,,Yes I do I just measured it
Partner,,,, never! let me do it(so without a tape and using a broom handle) you don’t, you only need 8.
ME,,,, Yes but you just measured the big ones they are 3 feet long what is 3x 8
ME,,,, So I need 12 of the 2 feet square ones it will cover the same distance.
Partner,,,, but I want the big ones.
ME,,, Have you ever lifted one.
Partner ,,, no
ME,,, Ok then lets go see how much they are.
Builders yard
ME,,, How much are them 3 x 2 slabs( now he knows us“ we have been before”)
Man at yard,,, I know how long your drive is and if I drop them at the end of the drive you wouldn’t want to carry them far would you.
ME,,, No
Man at yard,,, you would be better off with the 2 feet square ones.
ME ,,, Looks at partner “see I told you “we only need 12
Partner,,,When can we have them?
Man at yard,,, Saturday or Monday
Partner,,,, Oh Saturday please
Man at yard,,, I wasn’t giving you a choice it is either Saturday or Monday.
US,,, We would prefer Saturday
Man at Yard,,, well we are busy it will be one or the other.
At least we are getting our slabs ,,,, sometime,,,,,and she now owes me 50 pence because we had a bet on how many we would want.
Friday night we went out, now we don’t go out much, no really we have all the comforts we need at home, but we did make the effort and after what seemed like a lifetime waiting for the bloody bus thanked God (and I am an atheist) for getting off alive ( no point in taking the car I will be drinking and it’s murder to park) we got to Broad St still in one piece, the bus drivers here are all homicidal maniacs.
Well we went to the first place we had thought of going to it was packed and very noisy and they didn’t have a table which is just as well because I would not have enjoyed my meal with all the bloody noise.
So we decided to walk to the Chinese Quarter and have one there ( big place Birmingham) My partner who has lived here all her life showed the way we didn’t pass a bloody pub is what she did.
So any way we went to a nice restaurant and had a really nice meal yakked for about two hours drank beer and then made our way back for the bus.
this is where we went
Note to all women never wear high heels if you have to walk more than 2 steps.
She whined like a good un all the way back.
Another wait for a bus until some kind constable told us if you are waiting for a bus here you will have a long wait you will have to walk at least 2 bus stops because the buses are diverted, so anther bloody hike with beloved Partner whining and cringing at every step.
Got to the Bus stop and waited and WAITED AND WAITED watched all the revellers and cars bumping into each other beggars wanting handouts ( the best way to deal with them is say NO and look the other way) anyway I was so tired when we eventually got home I was in bed for
10 – 30 knackered.
Broad St
Next time we will pick somewhere closer to home is what we will do.
We gardened, then the slabs turned up (yippee), and I chucked them down on the grass and said I will do it proper later, but at least we have a path now and can reach the greenhouse without getting muddy
nice view of slabs and my shirts on the line
Bloody Knackered is what I am, all this high life and going out has took its toll.
I am am an old bastard so today I am doing,
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Posted by
5:04:00 PM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I have decided that it is to become Tit day it has suddenly got warm whilst we were at work the sun is shining, its nice and warm, and all the girls who went to work this morning wearing winter clothes the jumpers and big coats had to take them off to go home.
they were all over the place I didn't know which way to look I am suprised I didn't crash the car, the saying chapel hat pegs doesn't even come into it.
roll on summer I say.
oh and the best thing is ,,,,,, I am on HOLIDAY,,,,,,,,,,,,YAAAAAAYYY,,,,,, 4 bloody days off, great way to start the weekend I say.
Posted by
6:35:00 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
talking about films
well we have lots of films, I think at last count over 400.
because I am sad all the films that start with THE will be listed with next word alphabeticly
the film I like best out of A are and I will only pick one.
Apoclalypse now
Ben Hur
Cape Fear
Dances With Wolves
East is East
The Full Monty
Independance Day
The Longest Day
Nothing to lose
Once Upon a Time In The west
Rita Sue and Bob Too
Schindlers List
Thelma and Louise
War of the Worlds
Young Guns
that was the the best in my opinion of some of the video's
from the Dvd's
The Alamo
Cold Mountain
Dirty Harry
Falling Down
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
In the Heat of the night
Kingdom of Heaven
The Long Riders
Master and Commander
Nevada Smith
Open Range
The Patriot
Saving Private Ryan
Van Helsing
The Wild Bunch
There you are just a few of what we have
and I am still sometimes stuck for what to watch
Posted by
6:42:00 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
A Whinge
Today I thought I would have a whinge, not that I normally do (liar), but then why not, I am old I am entitled.
I normally wake at about 4.30am to get to work for 6.00am. I don’t like to do this but I have to work and that is the time I have been told I have to start.
So I try to get everything done at night before the morning so I have as little to do as possible, so tonight I went for some Petrol or Gas or whatever it is you want to call it.
We have about 500 yards from us a gas or petrol station which is open 24 hours. Now to say they are slow at serving you is an understatement, all I want to do is get the Gas/Petrol, and bugger off. I have been there at 5.30 in the morning, there is always a queue. 2 bloody cars to serve and you have to wait, so bloody slow if I tossed a ball to my pet tortoise he would have brought it back before I got to the till. I have seen paint dry quicker.
Tonight was no exception. There was when I pulled into the place 3 cars. I thought great, no waiting, pulled straight to a pump, put in my gas/petrol, pulled out my cash
(cash mind you). There were three people in the queue in front of me.
Now who the bloody hell pays with a cheque nowadays? Well you bet my bloody luck, if there is someone, I will be behind them. So you get the picture, they are slow and the old dear in front of me is paying by cheque. I have the cash in my hand and all I want to do is go home.
So I wait AND WAIT AND WAIT. She can’t see, bless her (what the hell is she doing behind the wheel of a car) and struggles to sign the cheque. The teller is as slow as she is and he double checks her every spelling. By this time I am getting very agitated and the once crisp notes have turned to shredded bits of toilet paper and are falling to bits in my hand.
I have grown a beard and my life is slipping away, and I’m going to flat line any minute.
“I hope she doesn’t ask for anything else”, I think.
I hope I don’t need to go to the toilet. I wonder what God is doing today, could he make them go just a bit quicker. Suddenly my daydreaming is jolted by movement. She’s moving, she is going to leave the till. I am next, I AM NEXT. Nope, not my luck. She turns back to him, “Could I have a receipt please?”
My heart sank. I will go into a coma soon, the car will run out of road tax before I leave here, they will have changed the bloody currency before I get to the till.
Then it happens. I’m next. I give him my £30, say pump one thank you, and leave.
It took 5 bloody seconds.
Posted by
7:19:00 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
I think its here
Spring that is.
the grass is growing
we will have blossom soon on the apple tree
and at last we can hang out our washing to dry and pretty soon that green house will bulging with all sorts of stuff
Posted by
3:31:00 PM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
what do people belive in
a bit topical this one
but I believe that whatever you reap you will sow.
that organised religion breeds vilolence.
that being a christian does not mean you have to go church on a Sunday you just have to be a good person.
that some people are so involved with sport or watching it it is like a religion to them, its not nesessary, like religion.
I don't believe in sending cards to people like at Christmas or when on holiday.
I believe that if you want something then work hard towards your goal and you will get it.
I believe that some days I am a very good driver and then some days I am crap.
I believe in love to another human being.
I believe that if I have another can of lager I will be pissed
I also believe that I have just wrote a load of bollocks
oh well
Posted by
6:13:00 PM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
The ride out or near death experiance
(The Mailbox building near Gas St Basin)
On Monday we decided the pair of us to go out on the bikes, good idea to get out and practice for our marathon biking holiday where we intend to cycle all the way down to London using the Grand Union Canal.
So having checked the bikes over we set off a nice easy couple of miles through the park and we are on the canal. It was nice day sunny with the odd shower thrown in, it is after all April.
A couple of miles down the tow path towards Birmingham City centre partner does her normal thing and catches hold of my arm and gets a free tow.
Does it feel much different she asks, well I said, yes it actually throws me off balance quite a bit, surely not says she.
Let me try pull you, so she comes up my right hand side, and as she passes me I catch hold of her arm, this throws her completely off balance, our handle bars clash, my front wheel turns sideways and we both go head first over the front of our bikes onto to the hard gravely tow path, its not wide a tow path about a metre at best and as I am passing through the air expecting this is going to hurt real bad. I still had hold of partners arm she was heading for the water so I pulled her back towards the tow path and on top of me.
With a thud we hit the ground and what seems like minutes we pick ourselves up,
Any injury’s, we check ourselves over, partner got off lightly with a graze on the palm of her hand both elbows grazed and bruised knees, I look at my self both knees grazed and bleeding, took the skin off my knuckle and a grazed right elbow.
We quickly look round “DID ANYONE SEE US” there was no-one about so aching we got on the bikes and carried on.
By the time we had reached the City Centre my hand wouldn’t stop bleeding, the blood trail must have been for miles.
(Edgebaston tunnel about 100 yards long)
Lets stop and have a coffee and maybe I can use the toilet to clean up I said, so we went off down Colmore Row to Starbucks we ordered coffee and I asked if I could use the toilet, “we don’t have one in this shop” was the answer, well do you have a first aid kit I could use then please, I asked, "Oh have you hurt yourself" the young assistant replied the blood was streaming from my hand and covered most of it.
Here she says use the sink and points me to the back of the counter where I clean up the blood from my hand elbow and knees, the first aid kit was brought out and a suitable plaster was found for my knuckle, I thanked them for helping me and left.
We drank our coffee on a bench in St Phillips square and laughed at what we had done vowing never again to act like children in what could have been very serious we should act our ages and not the shoe size.
On the way back home we stopped and had a burger outside one of the many canal side bars that are down there it was delicious and cycled back home.
All in all we had had a really good ride out and on checking our speedo’s we had done 20 miles.
I will wait till I stop aching before I go out again.
Posted by
8:47:00 AM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
At night
around our house we have Bats, not big one's like fruit bats just little Bats.
sooooooooooo I built a Bat Box, so having got all the scrap pieces of wood out of the shed I set too and did it and there it is.
So whilst looking out of front window tonight the conversation went like this
"Me " I have just seen BAT, a big one
"partner"how big was it
"me" ohhhhh about the size of a pidgion
"partner" a bit pidgionish was it
"me" could have been.
so no Bats just yet then, but watch this space.
Posted by
7:32:00 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
something is happening
to me, about a month ago I woke in the night with my heart pounding and the normal ryhthem of my heart was all over the place, I wasn't too worried I just thought silly old bugger, shouldn't have had that curry,I felt sick and eventualy went back to sleep.
7 days a go it happened again, again not too worried but I thought what the hell is happening to me.
Last Monday night the 10th it happened again, it was then I started to tie things up.
Now this is my opinion so even though I have been to the Doctor and he can't say what caused it,I think this is caused by stress, it creeps up on you like a preditor and then hits you BANG.
Stress is everywhere we all handle it different, it just so happens that again in my opinion I have 3 bosses who are crap at their jobs they might be good at what they do BUT as for man management they are crap, again in my opinion.
They only want to listen to you if it is something they want to hear if you say something they don't like then it's all bollocks, reasons for things going wrong are not listened to and I am personaly felt responsible for things beyond my control even if I use my own initiative I am scalded like a small boy for doing it even though it was in the best interests of the company for me to do it.
So I tied all the dates up and all the problems I have been having are related to meetings I have had with these three men.
So in my last meeting even though I protested that I was feeling very intimidated it was dismissed.
So what do I do leave, I have been there a long time, pension is involved here, I have 10 years left to do, I think I may have to leave, I have a lot of skills and maybe some new company would actually appreciate them, only time will tell.
But I know one thing they are not going to kill me!
I don't have many comments, but I would appreciate any on this one
Posted by
5:49:00 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Talk about
stating the bleeding obvious
even Cadburys is at it
<<<<<----definatley contains lager
Posted by
2:49:00 PM