The act of pressing.
The condition of being pressed.
The application of continuous force by one body on another that it is touching; compression.
Force applied uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit of area.
Meteorology. Atmospheric pressure.
A compelling or constraining influence, such as a moral force, on the mind or will: pressure to conform; peer-group pressure.
Urgent claim or demand: under the pressure of business; doesn't work well under pressure.
An oppressive condition of physical, mental, social, or economic distress.
These are just some of the meanings
but the one in bold tells it all I don't work well under a lot of pressure, I tend to rebel and think FUCK IT do it yourself I have been here 10 hours I have a home to go to.
However look at it like this, most of us work to live, not work for a living, most of us don't give a toss so long as the old salary gets in the bank.
Lets let the ones who are living to work (you know them) take the stress.
I am there for 10 hours I will do what I can. then go home look at my good life my wonderfull partner ( and my study) and think how bloody lucky can one man be!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Posted by
7:38:00 PM
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