Yes I will not change a thing I will carry on going to work, and still do 10 hours a day, I will keep my old car till it can't pass it's MOT and carry on shopping at Netto.
Then I woke up!
Bloody hell fire,
gets in old car goes to work.
Is ok I like work,
like you would like a hole in the head,
any good things happen to you today Steve ,,, yes I trapped my hand and it hurt like hell, for a minute anyway.
jumped up and down a bit, swore and stuff you know.
However there are some good things, (thinks),,, (thinks again),, God this study is nice, warm and comfortable, hey I did this and my woman is here ,,,,, I have it all really.
And,,,, we have just done Hump Day,, rest of the week is a breeze.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
mad yorkshire man wins lottery
Posted by
7:56:00 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Today I became a child again, nothing wrong with that we went to various parks that are around us looking for conkers (horse chestnuts) not many on the floor but some on the trees, so started running and jumping as high as I could to reach a branch to yank it to get them down.
Sad effort really we ended up with about 10 they were big one's though,threw big sticks at them to persuade them down.
I bloody well enjoyed myself,
Fed the Canada geese at the pond I even went to the shop to buy bread so we could do it,they are that freindly they take it from your hand.
We got home gave the nuts to our squirrels they loved them and ran off to bury them somewhere.
Posted by
4:21:00 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The act of pressing.
The condition of being pressed.
The application of continuous force by one body on another that it is touching; compression.
Force applied uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit of area.
Meteorology. Atmospheric pressure.
A compelling or constraining influence, such as a moral force, on the mind or will: pressure to conform; peer-group pressure.
Urgent claim or demand: under the pressure of business; doesn't work well under pressure.
An oppressive condition of physical, mental, social, or economic distress.
These are just some of the meanings
but the one in bold tells it all I don't work well under a lot of pressure, I tend to rebel and think FUCK IT do it yourself I have been here 10 hours I have a home to go to.
However look at it like this, most of us work to live, not work for a living, most of us don't give a toss so long as the old salary gets in the bank.
Lets let the ones who are living to work (you know them) take the stress.
I am there for 10 hours I will do what I can. then go home look at my good life my wonderfull partner ( and my study) and think how bloody lucky can one man be!
Posted by
7:38:00 PM
new tank
I have it no more leaks I hope but I would have prefered
Work has been a bastard today too much to do not enough time to do it.
still not to worry at least this one will not leak I think I was driving a bomb.
why is it that arseholes who have never handled steel at the sharp end always think they know better than someone who has been doing it for years, so why do I have to explain to them,
I think Work Sucks
you can tell I have not had a good day
hey I just noticed I just typed that line and hardly looked at the keys.
bloody hell
Posted by
7:06:00 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
you may ask
well yes I do have a bike why don't I go to work on it,
and the petrol tank on the car is leaking, yes it bloody well is (for 3 years now)... and can only fill it 1/4 full,, which means stopping every 70 miles or so to top up, and then all these greedy barstards start to fill there tanks just so they won't be without petrol you have emptied the petrols stations you stupid buggers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my local one did 4 days supply in one day.
Now what are they going to do with it,,,,,,,,,,,all the cars are going round with the back bumper scraping on the bloody road, so much fuel in them. I hope they get a leak in the tank like mine.
well getting back on the subject, its 7 miles to my work and I would have to set off at 6.00 am to get there for 7.00am and its 50.50 hills and flat so that means the old bugger would have to peddle like mad(or push) to get there and back( this is why I like canals) so tomorrow I am having a new petrol tank fitted, then I can fill it up like all the other greedy bastards, except it would cost me £60 just to fill it and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh bollocks get the bike out Steve.
Posted by
7:35:00 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
ho hum
I would like to tell you all of the exciting things that have been going on, but there has been none, apart from I havn't checked the lottery tickets yet and well you never know.
But I doubt it.
What we have been doing is finishing off our new study by putting shelves in the cuboard, that done my partner is now filling them with all our paper work and stuff whilst I do this.
As its Sunday today we are having one of my roast dinners, I don't know if I have ever mentioned this but my partner is not the best person to let loose in the kitchen so I do it.
I started my Roast this morning at 7.30 am not cooking it! I take the beef and smother it in salt black pepper and basil then smear mustard all over it cover it in foil and leave it to sort of marinate, next top my now famous curry I like it like this the gravy is wonderfull using the juices from the meat.
one thing I do is get some Cod Fat from the butchers that is the great hunk of white fat that comes from the butchered animal in this case beef render it down to get the clear fat from it and I cook the roast potatoes in it they are just so bloody gorgeous done like this and also if you cook your yorkshire puddings with it it adds that special flavour you can only get when you cook at home.
God I'm hungry now so I am off to start the meal, roast beef mash and roast spuds carrots spring greens yorkshire puddings.
Posted by
2:53:00 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I have to back to work tomorrow,the slog we have had over the last week is over and now the house is ok with the paint brushes etc all put away.
just a thought, yesterday we went to a flower show and I thought it was good, well ok,
I must be getting really old.
Posted by
4:28:00 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
I have been away,
I have been away doing this,
but now thank bloody God it is over, for the time being anyway. the Boys have given up their rooms and
this is what we wanted
and now we have our study
and now from teenager room to guest room
so at last everything is in one place and we can have people stay(well only for one night) don't want anyone getting too comfortable
and now I can sit in our study and blog to my hearts content
Posted by
5:22:00 PM