Friday, July 01, 2005

party time

The end of our week off is almost here so tomorrow we are having BBQ,
I must say that although on holiday, much of this week has been used to tart up the house, stuff you tend to live with and ignore tends to stick out like a sore thumb the moment you realise "people are coming" so the paint brushes have been out, tiles have been replaced and holes left by redundant pipes by the plumbers have been filled up, also a great deal of work in the garden.

So now we are ready for them if its sunny and if they turn up, we estimate about 30 should be here and if not we will be eating burgers chicken legs and jacket potateos for a month if not.

Plus I will HAVE to drink all the beer I am getting all by myself(sounds good to me)
I am sure they will because some we know would turn up to the opening of an envelope.

If no post tomorrow it's cos I'm pissed