The year I mean,
anyway I wake up this last day of the year to a dark and very foggy frosty morning,(all through the holidays I have woke at the same time I do as if going to work) so no" lie In's" for me I guess.
I always tend to look back at the year gone and wonder what have we done?
well here in brief
January=it rained and we got our new doggy
February=it rained and took our doggyout in the rain and got wet.
March=it rained
April =it rained
May =I think we saw the "sun" but it rained
June =it rained
July= it rained
August= yes it still rained but but stopped long enough for my Daughter to be Married.
September= it rained But we mangaged to get out of he rain by going on holiday to the USA.
This is a pic of our last day as we traveled towards Lake Mead.
October= it rained
November= it rained and got cold
December= the rain has stopped but now everywhere is ice and cold.Someone got a nice suprise with a hot air ballon ride on Christms Day
bet it was cold up there.
It sounds gloomy, but really the year has been good I have managed to get to work all year without a single day off sick, I still walk the dog every day and he is a good and welcome part of our family. I just wish it would stop raining.
The financial depression has hit a lot of households and appears to be getting worse, I don't know even if my job is safe as we go into the "New Year" but after working since I was 15 years old(42 years now) I not too worried if I lose it.
I have never been unemployed and it will be strange for me not to get up and go, and have to re- lie on benefits.
So at this point, I would like to wish everyone who comes in here from time to time a very happy New Year and hope everything goes well for you.
We won't be going out tonight it's too bloody cold for a start and anyway we like to watch the firework displays in Birmingham from our upstairs bedroom window, its warm and cosy and no doubt will be worse for the wear from alcohol abuse.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
where has it gone
Posted by
9:43:00 AM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
We have rats under our shed in the back garden, so as my gas pistol is broke (been meaning to fix it for ages ) it prompted me to go to a place near Merry Hell in the Black Country WHERE THEY SELL BIG BOYS TOYS Yaaaaaaaaaaaa.
this gun needs fixing I need this bit for it I said, yes sure the bloke said I know just the bit you need, so I ordered it, anyway while I was there I could not resist to look at all the other BBT'S and ended up getting a new BBT.
So look out Rats I am gonna get ya
Who says you have to get old and grow up, and oh I fixed my pistol,
Posted by
11:53:00 AM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
the holiday
well to save doing it twice and because I am a man,,,,and lazy to boot and of course "D" is the better writer look here for the holiday adventure.
full of pics and stuff enjoy
Posted by
6:12:00 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I think I might just stop here
here are a few more pics not in any order just us having a good time , here we are horse back riding
yes we did get to the Grand Canyon
these roads never end
Posted by
1:31:00 AM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
we're here
thats all for now ,,,,,
Posted by
5:22:00 PM
Sunday, September 07, 2008
and it rained
bloody glad I am going away!!!!!!!!!
This is my freind LEE

I like Lee and that is why I got his favorite song for him, I think he likes the Indian best,
Anyway he has asked me to keep in touch with him whilst we are away so I will be posting pics on our journey.
so look out for them.
I don't know when next post will be all depends on Wi Fi connections but will do our damdest.
bye for now
Posted by
2:11:00 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
you would never guess

Posted by
12:27:00 PM