Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Posted by
9:12:00 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Upstairs for thinking
Downstairs for dancing,
I don't know if any of you have heard on the new s about Big Brother or been sad enough like me to watch it.
It has however been entertaining and takes us back to our primitive (Or were they ) ancestors.
A bit like watching the spectacles in the ring, seeing who would die first.
How much would it have cost Jade to have been pleasant, nice, helpful, to everyone lets face it, it is the public who have put her in the place she is now with millions of pounds to her disposal and lucrative contracts, she "was" set up for life so they say.
But to have witnessed what has happened and seen her co-so called celebrity's behave in the way they have sickened me to the stomach, but funny watching them fall from grace.
We have to watch now just to see how the public treats her co-bully's yes that is what they are when they eventually slink out of the place.
Already on the news it is said that Danielle has been dumped by her boyfriend because of her behaviour towards Shilpa, he being a footballer of some repute with at least a third of his team being non white.
Also what can be said of Jo, nothing really, both her and Danielle being swept along quite happily with the bullying and mobbing because that is what it was, to the pain and hurt of another individual.
To call the three of them trailer park trash is an insult to every person living in a trailer.
I hope they, all three of them get their just rewards.
I for one will be watching with interest to see them get it.
On a happier note we went out today to get some Groceries the sun was out and as we past Frankly Beeches I stopped and took this pic.
A beautifull view from there across to Birmingham in the far distance.
Posted by
2:28:00 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
well I gave it a try
So I went to work Monday, I hobbled around for a bit lasted till 2.00pm and went home knackered.
I went in the day after did the same went home at 3.00pm I was more knackered.
Wednesday, more of the same except they expected more out of me left at 4.00pm and then I was exhausted.
Thursday,,,,, went in lasted till 9.00am I was in excruciating agony, I have tried to do too much too quick, it is my own fault but very difficult to judge just how far I might have to walk,(the place is massive).
so now Friday I have had to take the day off, they have referred me to an occupational therapist to see if that helps I hope it does.
I hate being ill.
So although today I have been quite active there is only so far I can walk whilst at home.
I thought we would spoil our Budgie so we have given him a tree to play on.
It was "D's" idea so I went out back and took a branch off the apple tree, I think he likes it.
Posted by
4:17:00 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
almost normal
The last time I was at work was the 8th of December, I had a week off to start with chest pains and high blood pressure, caused by stress at work.
There was one time I would have grinned and bore it but now I can see the signs all too quickly, I am not going in that direction again I am going back next week, but if I come home feeling like I did again I am "not" going back.
Then there was Christmas, ohhhh the bloody joy of it,Flu right the way through it.
Two days before the 1st January I got sciatica, I am not done with it yet but I feel I am on the mend.
So what to do next, well we have our holiday booked and on the 9th March we are going to the Gambia for 2 weeks.
The last time I was anywhere near there was in 1967 when I visited Senegal whilst in the Merchant Navy, I was just a boy of 16.
Like most people we are having strange weather still its definitely not January and although a wind outside its still quite warmand the sun is just trying to come out.
I feel quite optimistic about this year I am just going to see what it brings, lets face it, can it get any worse.
It could, but I know one thing, I would rather be alive and out of work than dead, or seriously ill because of it.
So for the time being I will sit in my study looking at the view, which on a good day I can see right over Birmingham.
Posted by
10:14:00 AM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
global warming
Well this is now a whole week earlier and they are up again, does this mean that they will have no idea when to grow or could we have them all year round, I don't know but it is only the 7th January when I was little there would have been snow and to be quite honest I can remember the last time it snowed bad and that was in 1977 the kind of snow what brings all traffic to a halt.
When in the UK did you last see someone go sledging? when was the last time you saw a lake freeze over? freeze so thick you could walk on it.
I am sat here now in my study with only a tee shirt on(yes I do have jeans on as well) and no heating, its 10 degrees outside and 16 degrees in the house that's 60 degrees *f .
The seasons are just like becoming one with very little difference, it seems wetter for longer and if they are projecting 2007 to be warmer in the summer it is going to be very hot.
If the sea levels rise, low lying places close to the coast are going to flood and they will not hold it back, London could be under water, that of course will have a knock on effect places like where we live now which are well above sea level will become "the" place to live.
It would be funny to look back to all the money grabbing property developers who have land which is under water and totally useless. They won't be singing "oh I do like to be beside the seaside"
The damage is done by the look of it we can't stop it.
I will just go and put my winter coat away.
Posted by
2:56:00 PM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I am still at home
I seem to have acquired sciatica and spent the last 7 days dragging my lifeless right leg around with me, trying to pull out the invisible daggers of pain that are inflicting themselves into my hip.
It hurts? yes it bloody well does and the smallest of tasks need such an enormous amount of effort.
I went to the Doctor who by now, is sick of the sight of me I expect, we discussed my other problems,then went on to the leg,I winced with the agony of taking my shoe off and getting on the couch so could examine me and could only raise my leg a few inches from the horizontal.
yes he says you have sciatica, it could take a few weeks to get better.
I got a sick note for a week, I said If were a horse they would have shot me by now, he replied
yes, we probably would have.
Go back home and do only light exercise,
"well I am not likely to running any marathons am I"
Do the pain killers you are taking do any good he asks? no I replied, OK I will give you some stronger ones, now these ones would knock out a horse but no, having took them for 2 days and then reading the label that they are addictive and the fact that I was still in as much pain with as without them they are still in the packet.
Yesterday I needed to go to the shop dragging the leg with me I hobbled around trying to keep myself vertical by hanging on to the baskets full of stuff they put in the middle of the isles, I realised where all the pensioners go at 2.00pm and boy do they get in the way, not having the agility to avoid the trolleys and baskets they drag with them I nearly fell over twice.
I got my stuff and dragged my weary arse back to car and went home, "thinks" no I am not fit for work.
I tried to convince"D" that the doctor had said the only way to relieve the pain was
that she had to lay with her naked body on top of me,,,,"The doctor said it",,,, I said as convincingly as possible,,,, well that didn't work either, so I am still in pain.
"Being ill is boring and crap"
Posted by
8:23:00 AM