We decided that yesterday as it was warm and sunny to visit the seaside.
Living in the Midlands we are a long way from the sea and it take around 110 miles to get there, Barmouth on the coastline of Wales is a spot I have never been to so it seemed a good place to head to.
We got up reasonably early had a good breakfast and set off.
We were soon zooming up the M5 and joining the M6 then just a couple of junctions to the M54 to Telford then on to Shrewsbury and then at last into the glorious Welsh countryside that is the Snowdonia National Park, I love driving through there it reminds me so much of my home county Yorkshire and the beautifull Yorkshire Dale National Park.( The picture above shows some of the stunning scenary) with in a couple of hours we were there.
We parked up the car and headed off for something to eat.
Barmouth is a very pretty, clean, and quiet place to take a break with a beautifull clean beach and crystal clear water.
It has fantastic views which ever way you look and we couldn't wait to go in and have a paddle in the sea
"D" Gets her feet wet
this is looking towards Snowdonia
We had a thoughourly nice day out and around mid afternoon we headed off back home
The round trip was 238 miles I used just over 4 gallons of fuel (read previous post)
and on getting back home we found this the first one to open this year
Friday, June 30, 2006
A Grand Day Out
Posted by
6:44:00 AM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A few tips
While reading another blog today the price of fuel was mentioned, we in the UK pay about £5 per gallon or more - that’s just under $10 US, so if you have lots of cash or are not bothered then that’s ok but if you want to save money here are a few tips.
· Don’t use the car for short journeys, walk instead, the car uses more fuel when its warming up to correct temperature and that is about 2 to 3 miles, more in winter.
· Pull away smoothly, avoid harsh acceleration and harsh braking as this wastes fuel.
· Try to change through the gears quickly, you shouldn’t have to be in first gear more than a cars length, get into the highest gear possible as soon as possible to suit the road conditions you are on.
· If you are traffic lights next to a boy racer let him go, it’s his fuel he is wasting.
· Keep your distance from the car in front this will give you more time to think and brake smoother.
· Do not slow down using the gears this will shorten the life of the clutch, it is easier and cheaper to change the brakes - remember to slow down first then select the gear not the other way round.
· If you are facing down hill it is ok to set off in second gear.
· On a motorway or fast road it’s no good putting your foot all the way down to the boards as they say, you will get better economy if you build your speed up gently and keep a constant speed and keep your distance from the car in front.
· At 70 miles an hour you are going to be travelling at around 100 feet per second, so keep a good distance from the car in front you will need at least 4 seconds to stop safely and that is in a car with good brakes, not old and worn out ones.
· Do not go into neutral going down hill this does not save fuel if your foot is not on the accelerator it is only using the same amount of fuel as when it’s ticking over or idling. Plus this is dangerous as you can easily lose control of the vehicle, the wheels lock up and skid much easier when not in gear or when the clutch is disengaged if you have to brake.
· Push the clutch down only just before you have to stop don’t worry about stalling it’s easy to start the car again
I could go on and on but I hope these tips are helpful. I am not trying to be patronising, we all have our own way of driving but if you are not doing the above you are wasting fuel and throwing money away.
My own car is an 1800cc fuel injection model Vauxhall and on a run I get 100 miles for 2 gallons and local driving about 70 miles.
So go on give it a try.
Posted by
6:32:00 AM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The London trip
With all the excitement of small children we got up early on Monday morning, packed our side panniers for the bike’s and got ourselves worked up to go.
This was going to be a big one, we have done day trips before but nothing on this scale and were apprehensive but excited at the sites we may see and the fact is it was different.
I was carrying all the clothes I weighed them 30 lbs mmmmm, I thought that’s over 2 stones still at least its not on my back but I will have to haul it.
Anyway “D” had smaller ones and they at least were lighter. So at 9.30 am prompt we left off down the dried up canal path through the park and dropped down to the canal and cycled into town.
We made good progress and soon reached Gas St basin turned right and went down over Farmers locks and carried on to the junction where 3 canals meet and followed the Grand Union.
We made several stops for cigarette breaks and water the weather was cloudy and cold for the time of the year but we were warm because of the exercise.
After about 15 miles I didn’t want to tell “D” but I had strained a tendon in my right leg and the pain was getting worse but I carried on.
At 18 miles we found ourselves at Catherine De Barnes where a welcome break and a pub meal at the “BOAT” gave us a good rest.
Within an hour we were off again, now we are used to riding canals around the city with good paths and fairly smooth surfaces, I expected the paths to be not as good but the whole truth is you spend most of your time looking at the path for pot holes and not at the scenery as beautiful as it is.
Well after another few miles we arrived at Kingswood Junction another place where canals meet and you may change direction, we had another break, 25 miles at this point we were getting tired the constant poundings of saddle to rear end was getting too much and we both felt it easier to walk for a while.
All we had to do was reach Warwick and we would stop for the night but first we had to go through Shrewley Tunnel and down past Hatton Locks, another break for cigarettes and we carried on not far now I kept saying as if trying to convince myself and encourage “D” the miles kept clocking up and we finally reached Warwick. right love I said lets find somewhere to stop. someone told us there was a hotel by the Station so we headed there.
Well the Station we got to I can tell you there was no bloody hotel! We looked at each other there was no need for discussion I said lets get tickets I cannot ride on them bloody paths all day tomorrow the way my arse feels now and apart from that I think I have strained a tendon in my leg.
There was no hesitation I was exhausted and “D” was too we had done too much on our first day.
We were lucky a train arrived within 15 minutes and we were on our way back to Birmingham. Half an hour later we were in the town centre 15 minutes later we were on anther train to take us to our local station and twenty minutes later we were home.
Exhausted “Tired” doesn’t even come in to it. We got into the house I Made a quick supper we collapsed on the sofa and went to bed.
We had been out the house 10 hours we had cycled 40 miles our arses ached our muscles were burning and I don’t want to look at those bikes again for at least 2 days
We did enjoy it, it was a bit of excitement but not just yet, not until my arse gets used to sitting on cast iron, and being bumped on it 60 times a minute like a road builders jack hammer against the road.
I think we might just go to the seaside instead, in the “car”
(please click on the links for pics doesn't seem to work today)
Posted by
4:50:00 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
The longest day
and what seems my longest week is nearly over when I finish work tomorrow I have a full week off work.
It is halfway through the year and we seem to have flown through it but next week it will be different we are going to cycle the whole way down the Grand Union Canal, excusing accidents bad health or pregnancy.
To find out tonight that it is national cycling week and we are doing that is just as much a suprise.
I did a lot of overtime last month just so we would not have to be stingy and we can stay where we like enroute.
The camera is going and there will be a full blog of what we get up to after the event or non event depends doesn't it.
The best thing is it will be a break away from the hamster wheel.
Now I going to read Brummieblogs leave the best till last just like a pudding I say.
and as the sun sets slowly ever so slowly this time of year.
oh I forgot I just found out today I have been working today at my company in the steel works for 12 years now that is a long time, for me any road. I missed out on extra holidays last year but now I get 2 extra, every year
Posted by
6:54:00 PM
Sunday, June 18, 2006
fathers day
Well I have a lovely day my 2 oldest daughters and my greandchild came down from yorkshire, I cooked them a lovely meal, this is one of my favorites, roast beef yorkshire pudding and all the veg's.
I do my meat like this
first in the foil I will use to cook it, I put salt, black pepper, and basil and roll the joint in all that, then I rubbed crushed Garlic all over it and then smothered it in english mustard.
I cooked it slow for about 3 hours in the foil then removed the juices for the gravy then browned for a further hour without the foil, it was a big joint enough for about 8 people with a good serving, probably about 3 pounds of meat smaller joints take less time.
They loved it and it was nice to see clean plates and commented on how long it had been since they had tasted my cooking(i guess they like it)my grand daughter is the most beautifull child clever, funny,and just like her mum,(and like me)I was sorry to see them go.
They got me a bottle of Glen Moray whiskey as my gift and my favorite chocolate Toblerone,
well once granddaughter and me got into the chocolate it is half gone now.
I have never had Glen Moray before,,,,,, it is one of the smoothest I have ever tasted,(just having one now).
last night I took a pic of the garden and the lights this is how it turned out why is the light bending like that,,,,, but it's pretty.
Posted by
6:29:00 PM
Saturday, June 17, 2006
after getting up very early going to work and getting home for 9.30am we have the day to ourselves or so we think, now this is not a bad thing, my partner had arranged for a freind to come along and do her feet! she is a reflexologist and she is lovely funny and charming, but we had to go to the shops so I said ok love I will do the shopping you wait for freind.
now this is not going to take me long off I went with list in hand and got everything butchers,veg shop, small supermarket, all of it done in half an hour, ohh bloody yes I am quick.
back home freind was there and the feet had to be done so I mowed the lawn or whats left of it, did some strimming hacked at my holly bush( I am gutted ) taped it up with tape hoping it will live.
The feet are now well and truly done, however as you do I had forgotten something so we still had to go out. Partner said can we go round the resa(resovoir) yes but first I need petrol, ohhh don't bother then came the reply, it's ok love I still need petrol,,, no its ok she says you don't have to go, I still need petrol and we can go round the resa.
So went to the bloody petrol station at the end of the road, full as normal I had no money went to conveniant cash point and drew out £50 all pumps were full but saw an empty spot and raced round to it like I was in the monaco grand prix, bloody hell that was lucky I said and put in a tenner's worth" except" it went over by a penny,, don't you hate that a bloody penny, called in car to "D" have you got a penny love,,,,, no all I have in change is 50p,,, ok so I took it, got to the queue paid him and he said is ok no worry's about the penny,,,,,,,, yes there is a God,,,, I got a penny out of them,,, yes yes.
So off to the resa, beautifull day sun out, sky blue,,,, big plume of smoke 200 feet high coming from the road in front, turns the corner and yes you have it, car on fire in secluded road no one in sight and it was a Merc, so instead of a nice lazy look at the boats we sat and watched while 2 fire engines turned up and argued about who would put it out first, very dramatic though seeing all the tyres burst with flames.
But at least D got to see men in uniform.
Anyway we went to the shop got our stuff and that is about it, tennis again in the morning.
make mental note here take camera everywhere that fire was good.
Posted by
8:04:00 PM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
now its about my bedtime 9.30 it's sad
but before I go here are some shots of the stuff going on in the garden
this greets me as I come home
this is the same branch I thought would have 5 on it
never count your chickens eh!
and this beauty is getting the last of the evening sun
its been a long day I am tired good night all
Posted by
8:29:00 PM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
is well things are getting sorted me and my new boss are getting on really well he has got the same sense of humour AS ME.
my partner has left her job and now is looking but we are not worried she will be ok and has left the shit she was having at work.
we have decided we will be cycling to London soon and all will be revieled.
(looks at legs and hopes they don't give in)
I expect on Sunday that all my children will be coming to see me as it is Fathers Day it was a complete suprise because I didn't know and am relly looking forward to seeing them all together
I will cook them a really nice dinner for their trouble of traveling 130 miles to see me.
why not take them out? I prefere to cook!
I like cooking.
By the way I would like comments on the last picture I have shown, it's in oil and is just some thing I made up!
it is my second painting I have done in a lot of years if you think it's crap tell me I can accept it but I will get better.
Need more canvas,,,
Posted by
8:10:00 PM
Sunday, June 11, 2006
and all before midday
we decided we would cycle to the park on such a glorious morning
we took the tennis rackets and got to the courts which seem to be vanalised somewhat
there is life in the old dog yet
even more life
ok lets go home
if you look carefully the squirrell is asleep in the tree
and now he's offjust one of the Petunia's in the hanging basket
and now we have rest of the day to do what we want
Posted by
10:00:00 AM
Saturday, June 10, 2006
been an absolutley beautifull day it was that warm I opened the windows of the car full down going to work at 5.30am after that I got home and we just chilled in fact it was just like being on holiday sat outside all day.
so nothing to report all is well.
Posted by
7:14:00 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
seeing as it was such a lovely day on Sunday,
I thought I would wash the car
Now I am not joking here but I have not washed it for 12 months or cleaned it inside and it has done 157,000 miles, but I have looked after it and it has served me well.
there are a few rust spots but what the hell its 12 years old.
Right getting down to the week well same shit different day really same old same old at work, however the bloody garden is coming on lovely
this is my favorite spot I like to sit it might look odd to you but I like it.
and to my left I see these
and some good news we got to see the grandchild tonight I touched her for the first time.
tonights film 28 days with Sandra Bullock
Posted by
6:54:00 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
we live on the edge of a big city we see
a lot of wild life
there is "D "lounging, reading, and the sun is out
we have a friend who comes to visit
and steals from the bird table
he has been with us since he was little
isn't he lovely
that was taken five feet away from him from our kitchen window the flash went off and he froze but he is used to us now and does'nt care much.
on that bird table we see blue tits great tits sparrows and coal tits and even but only once long tailed tits,, but just look at him he is so handsome.
Posted by
6:21:00 PM
I think summer is here
I think this is a particulary nice flower
and Mr Robin came to visit
at last we have a weekend where we can relax in the garden, work has been especialy tough this week and to be honest I am knackered, I just want to put my feet up and relax.
Next week will be busy I already know this, from Tuesday lunch onwards I will be taught how to drive our new fork lift truck at work, I don't know why they think it will take a day and a half to do it, I have driven them years ago when you didn't need special license's to do it, but at least it will be a bit easier for a couple of days.
On Friday I have to go to Rotherham to look at a new saw we are getting that will take all day, so by the look of it it's an easy week.
Posted by
12:12:00 PM