apart from things being busy and the new lights didn't come on at all,, until I read the instructions,,,,,,, it was then I found the on /off switch,,,, so off I went at 4.45am in my dressing gown, tripping down the garden switching them all on, and yes they all do work.
so someone says I tell bloody awful jokes,, well the old ones are the best,
vicar,, was that Fanny Green in the congregation tonight,,
verger,,, no Vicar I think it was just the light shining through the stained glass window.
well I think its funny.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Posted by
9:05:00 PM
Monday, May 29, 2006
today the
last day of our short break, we went out to a garden centre now I know we are getting old but I am not dead yet, the worrying thing is I am actualy getting to like going to these place's.
now is it just me who thinks like this but while I was looking around the place all I could see was old people, they were probably no older than me but to me they were "old".
I still act no different than my shoe size and I am probably fitter than some in their 20's,
but what made me laugh was when we had taken the stuff to the car I saw an old chap getting out the carpark and he took half a bush with him he just could not gauge the distance,I says to partner if I ever get like that "shoot me"
oh we got some of them solar powered lights for the path
if they work it will be a miracle the weather is dire
Posted by
3:15:00 PM
because I get up at stupid oclock
is a site I rarely see, because I am work.
It's just rained the sun is out and it's early morning.
I just thought I would share it with you.
Posted by
6:56:00 AM
Sunday, May 28, 2006
things I like to see in a garden
I have been hard at it today trimming the hedges not a easy task I have 2 at the front about 60 feet long and more at the back and yes my arms ache now, but below these are just some of the things I like to see in the garden
this is another type of Rhododendrom
I don't know what this is we found it (but it's pretty)
now this is a snapdragon
if you can guess what this is you will get 10 points
now this is what I like to see in the garden
I am cooking Sunday dinner now so must bugger off, Roast beef, yorkshire puddings ,roast spuds, mashed spuds, brocolli, cauliflower,and carrots.
I will leave now with mouths watering
Posted by
4:27:00 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I never expected to see Grape vines grow this far north and they have been doing it so long.
Halfpenny green is about 3/4 of an hour drive from us and yes I did my normal and got lost, but we did get there in the end, I am always suprised that from where we live within 1/2 an hours drive you can be in such beautifull countryside and that is just about in any direction.
This is the place we went in they had a restaurant and a very good menu we had clotted cream teas but with coffee?
and it was freshly made the scones were piping hot.
That vine looks nice growing right across the front of the building
I am not a wine lover(diesel in a bottle)
but I wouldn't fancy any wine out of that press
and this is just one of what must be hundreds of acres of vines that they grow there they started doing it for their own consumption but it turned into a business.
We are on holiday for a couple of days now and I have to get down to some serious gardening,
that means I have to trim the hedges and my arms will ache for a week after, I am not getting rid of them they give us a lot of privacy.
Finaly after a week my partner has fully recovered and is back to her old self which is nice to know and we can get on with life.
Posted by
4:11:00 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
oh my bush
well you get your dirty minds out of the gutter
this is one of my favorites
its an Azalia a type of Rhodadendrom
The colours are so nice and as I am colour blind I see it different to you.
It will grow to about 6 feet we have had it since it was a twig.
Also I have had another "good" day at work( now this is getting worrying)
Tomorrow we will visit a vineyard,,,,,,,,, yes a vineyard in the west midlands.
I will have pictures.
Posted by
7:44:00 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Posted by
6:34:00 PM
"I don't believe it"
I never thought I would say that,
but just when you think everything is going ok.
so I got up at 4.30am went to work had a really good day at work (unusual).
Rang Partner I am leaving at 4.00pm do you want anything?
yes she says go to the docters and get the presritciption(how the hell do they spell that) that I need , ok love I said.
So off I went after work and went to the doctors straight in no problems and over to the chemists, now as I was walking over to the chemists holding the prescriptsion(is that right) a bloody bird shit on it! well I didn't know, I noticed it just as I was giving it to the chemists assistant, bloody shit on my hand and all over the paper, I said I think I just got lucky!
Anyway she tootled off round the back all girly like and brought me back some wet kitchen roll, which was soaked in hot water and soap and some dry stuff to dry my hands on, then took it off me like I had the plague.
then wiped the prescription ( I "THINK" I got it that time) clean.
So off home I went, it was a nice evening tonight and the grass was long so I thought I might cut the Grass, so out came the mower and the strimmer and off I went around the back lawn, then I put my foot through one of the panes of glass in the greenhouse, and then strimmed one of the new bushes and the bark of of one of partners new plants.
and I thought being shit on by a bird was lucky.
Posted by
5:54:00 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
I wonder what the record is for leaving clean washing out to dry in the rain????
well I think our neighbour holds this record.
this has been there 3 days now.
if its still there tomorrow I will take another shot.
we don't get on, so I am not bothered
read the link below
she still wants our fence/hedge down and My partner cannot see her Grandaughter till we do it
bloody sick people.
its a long story read brummie blogs for all the gossip.
I have refrained from making any comment on this matter for a long time.
and the full story is on partners blog
Thursday 11th May
I will build the Berlin Wall before give in on this one.
Posted by
4:22:00 PM
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I worked it out, "I am" to slow customers and checkout operaters like a light bulb is to a moth.
So today we decided that enough light bulbs had gone in our living room (3 left out of 5) we should buy some more, so off we went down to B&Q to get some. partner went to get some
baby bio, I got the light bulbs and we needed a bag of compost, we got that last as it was the heaviest.
So to the till, I have to think now why does it always happen to me, 4 people in front of us partner carries the light stuff I have the bag of compost on my shoulder.
First customer had a problem so we waited, next 2 no problem, man in front of us was in the wrong queue, he was returning something.
The bag of compost was now getting heavy but it rested on my shoulder nicely.
The checkout operater, a young kid doing a Sunday job couldn't add up "even" with the till to help him and the bloke bringing the stuff back had to put his card in the slot and key in his pin.
The compost is getting heavier now, he didn't know his pin so out came his mobile phone and he had to call his better half to tell him it.
This bag now feels as if it weighs as much as I do now and I was wishing I had got a trolley.
So I plonked the bag on the counter and we paid for our 3 items and true to form he got our change wrong, it was like watching paint dry.
I think I should never go shopping again "never".
Posted by
11:56:00 AM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
seeing as
I have been up since 4..00am I have plenty of time to do what I want today.
I don't know why I wake so early when I know I can lay in bed but it seems once up I get up.
I had a lot on my mind today the reason is my Partner has to go into hospital for some small medical procedure and I was thinking on that.
But now I have taken her and am now just waiting for the phone to ring to pick her up.
Today looks like it's going to be dull and wet but the sun keeps trying to peek out and it could change.
Nothing much has happened at work this week apart from having a massive bust up with the new boss and me virtualy telling him he can stick his/my job up his arse, but we have made friends and compromised and will be on my best behaviour for as long as I can.
At 55 years old I can do without all the corporate bullshit.
I will never get any higher than where I am now so I don't need it, but I am good at what I do and they need me as much as I need them so I am led to believe, so we will wait and see.
I suppose I could always go back to driving big trucks for a living.
I get to retire in 9 and1/2 years I guess it will pass pretty quick.on a brighter note these are our tomatoe plants
(just a few of them which we have grown from seed) donated lettuce in front of them
and when we got our greenhouse last year (second hand) we got two grape vines with it, one died the other must have sufferd some shock, but "look",, now it will live it is throwing out new shoots.
Posted by
8:12:00 AM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I know
sometimes I may moan,
this morning the old light came on for petrol in the car I thought I better get some,so went to the garage at the end of the road, I mean I was there at 5.35 am and yes there was a queue.
so at the front was a teenager who couldn't speak,well not like you or I, but more like a ventrilouquist.
so it went like this.
first man in queue= than I hav 2 canths of reb bulll and a bothle of waher
can I hth 2 canth of red bill and a botthel of wather
tiller = what
can I have 2 canth of red bill and a bothhle ov wather
you know what teenagers are like,won't open the lips to speak like they will be letting out gods gift of life or something.
so off he went the tiller,to get the stuff came back with 2 cans of red bull and a bottle of coke a cola.
teenager= nooooooooooo not koke wther
ahh says tiller goes back,
now you know what its like I am getting late now and there is still one in front of me.
so he goes back picks up the water and try's to squeeze it through the hole in the wall where they pass all the cash, would it fit in no! eventually it was passed through.
so sad bugger I am I timed my self at the till that was 4 minutes, I am thinking now I am going to be late.
person in front of me= pump 7 £10 please and ,,,,,,,,,,,,, can have the Sun please (a newspaper)
I am allready thinking this guy is going to ask for his weekly grocerys.
but oh joy of joys he left.
them me.
pump 3 £10 please
tiller= what
me= look mate that is my car there its right in front of you I want to pay £10 and bugger off to work.
tiller= takes my £20 and slips the corner of a £10 just under the little gap,(well its a bloody good job I have finger nails) I looked at him whilst trying to pry my money back.
just a thought at this point ,,,, why is it that there are no people who run garages now who are english
got my money and left.
but the first one came back he was behind me now.
can I hth a rethiet plreeth.
I tell you I was in stiches all the way to work and I wasn't late
Posted by
7:27:00 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
shall I have a moan
Why not!
What shall I moan about ?
oh for sake man get yourself together.
Well for one thing the government is whining about the crime stuff and not being too tough on criminals.
So no bloody problem, lets get the stocks back put em in there for a few days and lets throw stuff at em.
Tony Blair is losing touch, yer right.
Prescott wants to get his hands in the pants of another woman, he's human!
The home secretary was sacked he needed to be sacked.
I went to the pub tonight with Partner and it did'nt set on fire ( so no fun there then).
It looks like it's settling down a bit then doesn't it.
Apart from them kids on motorbikes up and down the hill at the back of us at 5.30 in the morning,( I am hoping the bikes will be crushed by the police)
So summer here we come kicking and screaming into 2006.
Oh we have 375 and a half seedlings growing in the garden and we will have trouble finding homes for them!
Its been a boring 2 days really I want something to happen.
Like please can I win the lottery.
Posted by
6:01:00 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
its that time of year again
Well it had to come.
the department of transport has issued a new directive.
All people who have low IQ'S and or small penis's must now "By Law" show a white flag with a red cross on it at all times.
Didn't they do this about 4 years ago.
Posted by
7:51:00 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
A Grand Day Out
Today I didn't go to work as normal I only normaly go in for about 3 hours anyway I thought I would have a lie in bed, so I got up at 6.00am instead of 4.30am.
So we got ready did a tiny bit of shopping at the local shops came back and set off for the Cotswolds, it's not that far from us about 50 miles depends who's driving I tend not to look at maps and just follow my nose a bit, but we tend to be going in the general direction and of course time is nothing it's a day out.
we set off at 10.00 and went down the M5 for a bit then headed for Evesham beautifull little place with the River Avon running through it.
Then carried on down the Fossway to Stow on The Wold, we had seen on the internet there was to be a Flea Market there, well by 12.00 we had got there and as usual I found a parking spot (I am lucky like that I find one anywhere) and went into the so called market, bloody hell you couldn't swing a cat in there it was no bigger than our living room, there can't have been more than 6 stalls so "that" took all of 5 minutes, so we went for a stroll around the town, bloody posh this place I said, the fish and chip shop said poisson un pomme frits, anyway we had some and left then headed back to good old Brum.
we thought we might pass a really good Garden Nursery on the way but no, we even went through Stratford on Avon but it was full, didn't see the one.
So we came back to Brum and went to our farvorite one, we took the camera and didn't see anything outstanding to take a picture of untill about 2 miles from home,
and here it is
we have picniced under that Oak Tree and watched the yachts before.
then realised we have everything we want and need right on our doorstep
Posted by
5:49:00 PM
Friday, May 12, 2006
tgi friday
you can never tell an accent while it is being written.
so today I will do one in my native tounge, West Yorkshire and oh yes, all of Yorkshire has different accents just depends where you come from.
My home town is Bradford and the accent is as different again as from someone from Leeds 8 miles away.
right av ad a bloody crap week at work too bloody much ta do an not enouff time ta do it, so this Friday ah finished uurly an buggereed off ome to see ar lass, it were grand gettin ome and bein greeted by a bloody big kiss. wot shall we do t'night she sed, tak away, or go owt, ah dint ave to think long, out ah sed we'l go owt.
so we buggered off downt road to a right nice pub int cuntryside were we went t'other nite, bloody good deel an all, 2 meals fu a tennerI adt gammon an ar lass ad't steak, plates as big as steerin weels, ah cleend mine up till tha cud see't patten, ah lass left er chips ah wa sfit't bustin aft'r.
An now it's bhanna piss down look at't sky ower top a't apple tree.
now I am sure you can understand that after all its not a foriegn language.
ah speek right proper me jus lik wot Queen dus.
Posted by
6:54:00 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
sod work
yesterday and today I left early, Oh I did my 8 hours and the rest, I left at 3.30 got home and chilled out.
tonight I got home at 4.00 and I got changed and we went to the pub, a nice one not far from us but in the countryside.
again why do we do it (because we can)
anyway to those who might be the slightest bit interested pics of the Garden,
clematis dont ask which one
look at the apple blossom now
that tree just keeps comin at yer
Posted by
5:17:00 PM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I have had a lovely day I woke at 6.50am
(I did wake at 4.30am but that was some noisy neibours coming home from some leary night out)
got up did my ironing, went up to the shops we got more plants, came back finished off our new vegetable patch the ground is so hard and full of clay its takes a lot of breaking up.
(its coming on isn't it look at the bloom on the apple tree)
Everything is growing wonderfully we have even given tomatoe plants away, we have far too many, its the same with all the apples when they come we have just got to give them to family and neibours.
My next door neibour came to see us with gifts he gave us each a fleece jacket, we do each other favours, also my partner blew some eggs up but I said I wasn't going to talk about that.
I am totaly exhausted and not looking forward to going to work at all I need a holiday
So on that note I will leave this day and look forward (not) to the week ahead.
I do like something to smile about everyday and todays was the eggs blowing up but I did say I wasn't going to talk about that.
Posted by
7:03:00 PM
Saturday, May 06, 2006
in fact right now I will be making my famous curry
"this is how its done"
click on link
and if you need some of the curry powder let me know I will send it to ya
Posted by
4:48:00 PM
My nap is broken
I have just been awakened after having my afternoon nap, I like to have one on a Saturday because then I don’t have to go to bed too early and can watch TV a little later.
Knock Knock on the door, I stagger up from my slumber eyes blinking thinking who the hell is this, only to find two smart smiling youths on my door step.
Hello they say are you a religious person? My eyes start to focus without my glasses on and I can make out some writing on their shirts, bloody church of Jesus Christ Scientists it says, still trying to work out what day it is, and me thinking they must be changing their tactics its not Sunday. I say NO I AM A BLOODY ATHIEST.
The young chap then said (in American accent) well how do you think we got here? (Well if he is a scientist why is he asking me)
Well I replied you think we came from Adam and Eve, I think we all crawled out of the water started climbing trees turned into monkeys and evolved from there.
I wished I had not been so sleepy, I would have given him a good run for his money,
Disturbing my Saturday afternoon nap and wanting me to talk about God.
There was a time they came on Sundays and the best answer is to say well what time do you have YOUR Sunday dinner and where do you live, well if I ever want to talk about God I will come then, to your house.
Now to clear a point up I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you want to believe in God then fair enough but don’t try and ram it down someone else’s throat.
I also do not believe in any form of organised religion.
These are made by man for man and have been a source of trouble for thousands of years and still are. Everyone wants to think that God is on their side.
The Bible is a book made by man and interpreted many ways it has been the cause of thousands upon thousands of people to die needlessly and the church is run by men who are only out to gain wealth, it’s a business.
For goodness sake the Church of England was made by a King who couldn’t have his own way with the Catholic Church, so he made his own.
Anyway rant over, is everyone having a good Day, well God bless you all.
Posted by
3:00:00 PM
Friday, May 05, 2006
and as the sun goes down
you get to see this
and the same bud from the apple tree is now like this
I love watching things grow, there will be at least 5 apples from that bud
and the best thing is ,,,,,,,,ITS FRIDAY.
Posted by
7:48:00 PM
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Some really funny things happen you just don't know they are happening.
Tonight as we do every week we went for our evening drink at one or the other of our favorite pubs, I get home earlier than my Partner so I go home get changed and meet her thereI always have a pint of Stella waiting for her as she gets of the bus.
Its nice it breaks up the week and you know why we do it? because we can!
Well tonight was no exception I was there before her and sat outside because it was lovely and sunny, watching the world go by all the people going home in cars and buses, me sat drinking beer watching them.
I drink quicker than she does so I go in for my second pint, it was busy it normaly is but when the bar manager came to me and said yes Sir what can I get you? I answered Pint of Stella please and he rushed off I should have noticed but I just thought ignorant Bastard, anyway a young lady served me and I took my pint and sat outside again.
We were yakking away about the day's events when suddenly we heard a fire engine screaming down the road, thisd pub is at a cross roads, it turned right and the siren stopped we thought nothing of it.
Then another one came same thing well we just carried on yakking, then My Partner said there seems to be an awful lot of people stood outside tonight, I said well,,,,,, its a lovely evening, they want to be out here.
So we had nearly finished our drinks and a fireman came out of the pub! saying it's ok folks you can go back in now.
We looked at each other in diselief,,, nooooooooooooooo we said, got up walked round the corner and sure enough Two fire engines putting a fire out in the Pubs kitchen.
We had never noticed, two people so wrapped up with each other and the pub was on fire.
I am glad I got my pint when I did I would have had hated to wait!
We laughed all the way home.
Posted by
5:38:00 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
what a bloody awful day
its always bad after you have been off work to go back to it and start again but I remember the sky last night just before dusk
this one faces west
this one faces east
both are taken at the same time but I touched one up can you tell which one
Posted by
4:35:00 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
its my age
We have been having trouble with our broadband connection so we rang them up and found out it wasn't them.
So after a bit of bodging around we deduced it was the router which connects us to the Laptop.
in a word it was knackered so we got a new one, the same as before only this one is "tiny".
Now there was a time I would grasp all this computer stuff easily, but I think its my age.
Where the hell has all my concentration gone.
Anyway its up and running, 4 hours later.
I must say at this point what bloody great chaps they are at D-Link help desk to have the patience to talk to a dummy like me, "twice",and get us up and running again.
They must have been nudging each other saying things like "it's them again" you take it, no you take it.
It does say on the box easy to set up, but not for a dummy like me, I am a steel worker so lets just say each to their own eh!
Thank you D-Link, but next time I will wait for middle son to come home and he can do it.
Posted by
3:48:00 PM